Wednesday 18 July 2012


Waiting for the BT fixer to come here and install Broadband today..... I had to get up early in case he came and I am still waiting....
He's been, done some beeping in the socket now he has gone off to fiddle in the main outdoors phone socket, say's he will be back in half an hour
Well so he did "stuff", came back, did some more beeping then my BT landline works now. Hooray etc. BUT the broadband still doesn't work, apparently after the setup it will take up to 24 hours but it will just start automatically
18.19 Still not connected...
Lordy, what a performance, so "someone" had to phone BT s'morning, no avail, about 10 minutes into the phone call he realised that there was still an adaptor on the phone/broadband plug, took it off and the blue light lit up, hooray, no dongle, quicker etc etc