Tuesday 3 July 2012


And I missed gym today 'cos Denyse came to see me..... oh woe is me.....

Then later today I stood up from bed and walked out of the room, it felt so much more normal that I rather liked it
What a day again, so Denyse stayed here talking about my life etc, then giving Dicky a Working With Brain Injured folk lesson until after we had fetched Toby and Paul cooked a rather nice baked pasta with loadsa cheese and chilli dish for dinner, as me and cooking are in different places
This afternoon, in our discussion Denyse said that they will look into a perching stool for me to use in the kitchen, again losing my wheelchair
And "they" have said that I should have broadband again by the 16th or 18th of this month, hoo-flipping-ray but I want to scream at the delay....