Thursday 19 July 2012

Lordy 56.5

Well s'morning me and Dicky had a bit of a chat for about an hour or so then we went off to Cardiff to the splint menders. For a start they fixed the tape across the top which was wearing, then I complained a bit about it being much too hot to wear in the summer. They took it away for 20 minutes, brought it back with new tape and more to the point had simply cut the back off the splint. It is strange, it doesn't feel any weaker but much cooler, ventilated. They also measured my foot, how far it bends and actually said that it was worth my going back in a fortnight and getting another splint made, with the heel and the toes in a more natural position.
Then we met up with Denyse for a cuppa and she gave me some advice about walking more etc etc.
And Denyse said that "someone" had been discussing my broken hand splint with her and they decided that as my hand is so much better there is no need for a splint ATM