And as I have been using it with my right hand my typing has been totally and completely left handedBut a whole post with my right handed mouse

And as I have been using it with my right hand my typing has been totally and completely left handedBut a whole post with my right handed mouse
Except we haven't had a single caller tonight
Still waiting and it is afternoon now...And I have just had a phonecall from Denyse, and I thought "Wadda ya want?", saying that the landlord is out of his house at the minute and he has my phone numbers in his mobile but the landlady wanted to phone me but could only find Denyse's number so she had phoned her to say "The gasman will be here about 2.45 to fix it"
And we have been able to switch off the heaters and run a hot tap again.The knowledge that the fixer had, he carried out simple tasks one after another, all of which I would have managed but knowing what to do and when to do it must be worth a few quid
Phew, it's fixed now
He came out, tried to do his magic, no avail, tried again etc. No, still broken.So tomorrow a mender is gonna come and mend it, apparently
Then, in the same trip out, we need to go to the supermarket and do sum shoppingAnd because we had to go to Wilkinson's to pick up more gloves for the staff we ran out of time, if I had drunk my coffee with my lunch too fast we would have only had half an hour left there so we didn't actually go. Just phoning to apologise
Then I thought "Bedroom clocks" there are two. And they had changed time by themselves too
And no, digital SLR's seemed a bit too big for me to handle until my right hand is even better. And breadmakers were just no
When she got here she basically asked me various questions about getting my will ready etc. She has to prove that my brain is well enuf to get involved. I don't think I will be writing a will until get more cash but it is in the process now
Change my mind if you can think of a way round this but I can't
Then as I was eating the pizza, I usually pick up a complete naan pizza and bite chunks off it, but as today was going so well I cut that, piece by piece, with my right hand too
And it was good, not that many musicians but we made it anyway
No breakfast and no coffee s'morning when I had to go there
And we talked about a day long Introduction To Digital Photography course at NBGW on 1st Dec
And that was easier than the day before.And that was easier than the day before that.etc etc
ARGH, no, on reflection it is plug in powered, the battery light just meant that the battery in the timer/display unit on my bathroom wall was low
And I think Paul was right t'other day when I complained about how difficult it was to walk, he said "Keep practicing, it will get easier", it is still hard but it may be easier than yesterday
And yes, it worked like this at dinner time too...
Sitting Down To CookAnd it was a strange dinner, the spuds were strange but not that unpleasant. Linda McCartney veggie sausages really impressed Paul. He wasn't impressed by how they looked but how they tasted
But as I am so exhausted by seeing Sara then jumping in the swimming pool I am cooking from a sitting down wheelchair position
It wasn't the poshest food I have prepared but it was difficult and deliciousAnd after a whole day of walking everywhere I gave up and wheely-chaired to cook, as I had to do so much back and forwarding and nip to the Popty-ping etc (noisy link - not WS)
Much as it makes me want to cry, she was right!!!
And Denyse nagged me a bit more about walking about the house, not wheelchairing. Glum but she might be right
So there is proof, how much better is my right hand now than last year
So tonight we had weird scrambled eggs and beans on toast for tea and it was delicious
Then later we went back to ThatEvilTesco and bought "What Is This?" and "Zoo Am I?" more board games which between the 3 of them should stop us being too bored
So then we nipped to ThatEvilTesco place to get some and while we were there we thought "Organic Muesli, may as well buy some here as it went wrong in the HFS this week, coat hangers, extra strong mints etc. AND they didn't have any blueberries either. So trying black this week.
Sex Pistols Experience Shamones
Although I seem to be deaf in both ears now....And what good fun that was
Right, I got a bit paranoid talking about poached eggs but in the end bought a pair of Poachpods and a
Pod Lifter so hopefully next week we can eat delicious not so fattening eggs which haven't been too hard to prepare
I assume that as it all went so well today that next week it will be back to normal
And that wasn't as scary as I was scared. I said to her afterwards "Gosh, you must have a steady hand" and she commented on how many she had done.ISTR another blood test 4-5 years ago and they couldn't get enuf out but there were no issues today
And it actually was excellent, I mostly kept quiet while the kids got on with their Granny&Granpa and Uncle Ian.And Ian said goodbye to us all tonight, said tara as he is heading back to Scotland tomorrow but before he left he paid for the dinner me and my 2 kids and parents had just had
And I sat on it and had a pooh, just WOW, it is so much better than before
So practice
And I went to the Drs. today, he gave me new anti-whetever cream to put on it and no antibiotics because I said "It is better than yesterday so I don't want/need any"So gord knows.
Well after my bath we put some "normal" creme over most of my leg and new cream over the wounded area
And a good time was had by all. Freya insisted I didn't also buy a T-shirt but it was excellent, so I think I may be buying some albums soon....
BUT tonight I was able to climb up the 3 steps into the pub using my right foot to push me up, this is such a recent thing, I like it
Erm....So I restarted my PC and switched back on Thunderbird and got 47 emails.erm....erm....
So phew, I wonder what the problem was?
And the hand pedalling should make my right arm stronger, it was nearly able to reach all the time...