Friday 7 December 2012

What A Session

So this morning Sara Davis the physio phoned me and said "I am a bit too busy" but I needed to speak to her re: splints so I said "Just come on down late" So she did. Good lord what a session, first of all we discussed my sore arm from lifting a saucepan full of water and she said "OK, acupuncture for that" and stuck needles into my arm to make it better, then we concentrated on my walking, got the light stick back out and I walked from one end to t'other. She said "Neil, you can walk so well, you don't need your wheelchair any more", we discussed it and in the end we walked outside, put my wheelchair in the boot of the car and walked back in
So yes, what a session
And in bed s'afternoon and I thought "Oh, my wrist hurts" which was really strange as the dominant pain in my arm had gone so now I was able to notice the other pains which I had had but had been overwhelmed for ages