Friday 31 May 2013


Then, while we were in town for gym class and some O2 shopping we finished the days trip off with a trip to Aardvark where as usual I bought loadsa healthy stuff


Then when we were in town we headed to the O2 shop where Timmy complained that his phone wasn't working properly, they had said "We will give u a new SIM" to him on't phone yesterday and lo and behold his phone is now proper accessing the Interweb etc again

New Gym Class

So we had nowt on s'morning, had an early lunch then at lunchtime headed to my new gym class. Lots of walking around the room, some exercises then more walking
So it seems to be hitting my "What I need" targets

Thursday 30 May 2013

Iechyd Da

And we are in Iechyd Da and waiting for some musicians to arrive

BlackBerry Q10
And in the end it was one of the most disappointing nights I have ever had there, hope it's better by next month


So me and Timmy are heading into Iechyd Da tonight, meeting Freya there and having a folk music style dinner there

Oh dear, bye bye

So we nipped to the computing class again and by middle of it we had to leave in disgust - it wasn't right for my skills. We said won't be back but they will contact me if they have more suitable vacancies 

BlackBerry Q10

Timmy, Timmy

So I have a list of questions to ask Mr BlackBerry Timmy and the Postwoman has just been with load of other letters that I will need to show him first
Panic ye not, it was letters to confirm that we had already made changes
Wugh. We have done so much technical stuff already s'morning that my head is gonna explode

Wednesday 29 May 2013


And tonight I wanted to record myself saying a few words to send to a thread on Ixion. I clicked record on my PC but as I have no microphone that wouldn't work. I looked on my new phone to no avail. I asked Google about my phone recording and it said "This is a free excellent recorder to download" and so within about 2 minutes I was able to record my "Pronounciation". Afterwards I had to ask Google how to convert the recorded file and it did.
All was well

Clever Device

So s'morning I woke up, dressed etc, picked up my phone. It said on't screen 6 messages (or summat equivalent). I ignored that and headed into t' living room. After I had read (and deleted) those 6 messages I glanced back at my 'phone. It didn't say anything on screen. Clever clogs (number 9?)

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the O2 network.

Wrong Date

So although I am only going to my old gym class on a monday I had to go today as it was closed this monday for a bank holiday


Well yesterdays constipation seem cured now. 

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the O2 network.


So yesterday I was in bed when I heard my MOS go for a pee. Lordy it came out for ages. Obviously my bladder is a lot better at holding in then peeing eventually than it was a few years ago but I think now that I still need to practice

Tuesday 28 May 2013

More Voluntary Work

Well s'morning I had to nip to Treasure House (or Trysordy in Welsh)  and do some more "Recycling work". Today we were sorting out loads of bits of blinds which can be sold on as "making things". (And today NaughtyNick was accompanying me, he bought a couple of quids worth for his Mum to work on)
But I did feel that rolling up loadsa small items helped me reuse my right hand

New Phone Testy

So just trying this out sat in't kitchen

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the O2 network.

Monday 27 May 2013

New Potatoes

And I cooked boiled new potatoes tonight, I managed every stage and it was well possible. They were delicious even tho I cooked an easy tofu thing on the side

Clean Ears

Lordy. So today apropos of whatever we got some Cotton Buds to chean my ears.
Good lord, I have never seen so much wax, we needed 2 buds for each ear

Shopping A Day Late

And as I had too much lunchtime snacks we went shopping on a Monday instead of a Sunday. So yesterday was a cloudless sky, today it rained non stop

Sunday 26 May 2013

BANG. Whoops

Just now I was sitting at my PC. Suddenly there was an almighty bang from the window. I looked round just in time to see a Blackbird kind of shake his/her head, pick themselves up and head off in a different direction

BlackBerry 10 smartphone

Good Title

"Three reasons why a vagina is not like a laptop" from The Gruniaad


So today my MOS measured my legs as they have to every day. My left leg was the same as usual but my right leg instead of being 2 inches bigger (I know) today was 2 inches smaller. Which it hasn't been in the years since we started measuring

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the O2 network.

Veg Growing

And I noticed today that some veg on my 'Trug are growing


And today I am a bit bored with nowt to do. But I am listening to a collection of 80's hits which is making me feel a bit livelier. (Innaccurate link but to summat similar)
This afternoon it sez "Nip to supermarket" on my diary but I have 2 lunchtime snacks left and double portion of lunchtime salad so I might have to nip there tomorrow when there is nowt on my diary as it's a bank holiday. According to the Intraweb (Fixed Now) Morrisons is open 'til 5 tomorrow

Saturday 25 May 2013


Then the last item on my new phone was adding stuff to my diary without being sat in front of my PC. Timmy took my phone away from me then eventually said "Yes, like this" and showed me how to add a test item to time and date on there
(From the bottom of page FWIW)

Another Fun Saturday

Well, there was nowt on my timetable but then yesterday my MOS added a trip to Wilkinsons to buy more rubber gloves so "they" can wash my feet
And "Oh what fun" we nipped to Wilkinsons and bought some tea and coffee etc. As well on the bill we had bought a packet of not dieting which were tasty and I had to transfer 99p to pay for them between bank accounts
But they didn't have any big boxes of gloves like we used to buy

Friday 24 May 2013


Then immediately we went to Aardvark where I spent most of the experience in my wheelchair only walking up the slope at the back.
So we went shopping in Aardvark, got back here, unpacked goods, put them away, said "Where's the milk?" so we had to go back to Aardvark and buy some milk and some eggs which we had also forgotten. I blame Timmy, must be his fault

Gym Class - Wow

So, then I had the first of my promoted gym classes. There was loadsa walking about which I used my stick for, them we would stop walking and do some really fast exercises then walk again. I managed about 50 minutes and spend the last 10 sitting in one spot.
It was hard but it was good
But I did feel a bit exhausted after Sara's action followed by gym


And then I had to gobble my lunch dead fast in order to leave for my new gym class promotion


And the Physio came and hurt me loads but did say that my legs and arm were moving very well

He's Back

Oh, he's back but stuck in handover conference
And by this evening we had finished doing various stuff to my new phone, it gets easier to handle as time goes on, yes I will keep it

Thursday 23 May 2013

Come Back Timmy

And I have a number of issues on my new phone, I can make calls, make txts, look on the interweb but it won't look at my webpage.


Then after teaching we nipped to town and collected Freya and she came back here for a dinner.
Which wasn't actually as nice as expected, stir fry and black bean sauce don't mix very well.
Then she nicked my PC and got stuck into homework for some time

Voluntary Work

So I am off to see if I can teach 'puters to loadsa losers s'afternoon
Which we will do after we go to the chemist and pick up my inhaler, which was written on my diary for yesterday but I got a bit too excited at the mobile phone shop and couldn't go 
(Or I forgot because I was so excited)

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Question mark...

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the O2 network.


Just still trying to figure it out

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the O2 network.


So does it work for now, my new phone 

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the O2 network.

Wot 'n afternoon

So after a quick lunch here we went back to town and went to the mobile phone shop. Where after much fiddling about etc they gave me a Blackberry Q10 and just WOW. I think I like it even if I can't work 85% of it's functions yet


So I made excuses about being too busy all morning but SmallPaul wouldn't take any excuses and took my to the swimming pool at lunchtime today. It was as much fun as ever getting changed and down the ladder.
But walking backwards and forwards across the pool. So I stepped out with my left leg and managed to cross the forwards line etc.
Then I had to move my right foot forward, which I have always been able to do...... but this time as I moved my right foot forawrd, I tilted my left foot slightly and WOW what a difference that made. Instead of falling over to the left I was actually able to walk properly straight on both sides. What a difference, and I a)can't explain fully and b)can't do it anywhere but walking in water, for now. But it is just the best walking I have been able to do for over 10 years and hopefully I will be able to carry it over to walking outside water soon

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Voluntary Work

So I started my new voluntary job nearer Carmarthen, in a place called Trysordy where they do loadsa sorting out recycled goods to make them saleable instead of for the landfill.
The actual work I had to do was a bit dull but it was good crack with other volunteers etc

Off Topic

So Sara the Occupational Therapist came round to see me s'morning. We talked about how I am getting on with voluntary work and also about cooking. I think I need to cook more stir fries, curry etc and eat less tofu burgers
Because we were talking about voluntary work she asked how I feel about the new one that I am starting s'afternoon

Monday 20 May 2013


And I finally found some floating fish on eBay, OK, Timmy did, but as one of my floating fish died I replaced him

Strange Dinner

So we had strange thai potato cakes for dinner. I had bought them a couple of months ago, looked at 'em ever since and thought "Naaaa, too hard to cook" but Timmy and I got stuck into cooking them and they were delicious if a bit odd tasting


So we nipped into town to look at the new O2 phone s'afternoon, choose one that I will get on Wednesday when we go back, then tried to buy some stuff in't shop, my bank card wouldn't work, I had to (old fashioned) pay them cash.
So we nipped back to the bank, they said "Yes, it's knackered" ordered me a new one and paid me some cash to use in the meantime


So I did gym s'morning, it was OK but she said "Holiday next Monday" so I will need to change my diary again
But today I was going on the trampette and today, for the first time ever I got up without a step. When I was up Timmy brought a step for me to step down on but as I had just stepped up I felt powerful and in charge and manage to step down, off it, without using the step


I have missed out a bit, it sez "France, Germany and Italy were expected to have priority".
WTF's going on?

Sunday 19 May 2013

More Reasons To Shop At...

Then we nipped to Morrisons after lunch and bought less spud dishes so I can use up the couscous etc

Cous Cous

Just here because I need to change the habits of my food again, I don't have to buy some kind of preprepared spuds, cous cous is a good source of carbs


So as I sat here having breakfast with my carer that doesn't drink tea or coffee.... it occurred to me that caffeine is one of the more sociably acceptable drugs that our society takes

(from my phone)

Saturday 18 May 2013

They Knew

For a number of hours I was struggling then I Googled for the right thing and they knew, it was as easy as sin and took about a second and a half

Clean Towels

And I washed all 4 of the towels from the bathroom today, to be followed tomorrow by the sheets from my bed

Yum yum dinner

And for dinner tonight we had frozen potato croquettes, beans and scrambled egg. And it was flipping delicious, it tasted a lot nicer than it sounded

Friday 17 May 2013

Boss Gardener

Then afterwards me and SmallPaul did some gardening. Well mostly I sat back watching him but he only took photos of me when I was busy


And we nipped back to Aardvark today where I again spent much too much on food etc.
Afterwards we nipped to Morrisons where I just picked up the ingredients for a stir fry which I had to struggle to recall as I need to cook it more often
And again in Aardvark I was on my own two feet for longer

New Gym Class, another promation

So after Sara The Physio comes to see me I am off to the first of my "promoted again" gym classes
No I am not, too much to do today Paul had to txt Sam and say "Sorry". So next week....
So Sara The Physio came and did loads of walking up and down, keeping my leg in a certain position and holding it in a certain way and by the end of it I could walk a short distance with no stick and really feel that at last I am moving properly

Thursday 16 May 2013

Early to bed...

And I had to have an early lunch today in order to have an early nap at lunchtime because after napping I am going to voluntary work then picking Freya up on the way back

(from my phone)
And we picked her up, she came and got stuck in on my PC while I stressed trying to cook 2 dinners as we only had a small amount of pre prepared spuds and 4 freshly opened yesterday (so need to finish them today) sausages for the 3 of us


So I am going to start my new voluntary work s'afternoon, a bit excited
Well, it was OK. But I feel that my knowledge is stuck on programs what I know, but TechnoTim was with me being able to answer questions that I had no idea about. But between the two of us we made one womans afternoon much better

Wednesday 15 May 2013


So I went to gym, a smidge hung over from the cider last night and said "Missed u on Monday but I will c u Friday instead this week" and it all went well

Special Delivery

Then s'morning NaughtyNick had his spare car key special delivered from Devon so hopefully we will be able to take him to the garage that his car has been in for 2 days and get it back.
Hopefully, or else he is stuck in Carmarthen with a car that won't work
Well it didn't work, we had to leave him at garage and go on't gym but he hasn't phoned and said "Help" since so...
Well after we left he tried again and it worked so he drove home without stopping apparently

Tuesday 14 May 2013


Oh dear, I got drunk tonight. With 2 litres of 7.4% cider


So for dinner tonight we had burgers, wedges and from a packet (in the freezer) that I bought t'other week breaded garlic mushrooms. And it was flippin' delicios.
I couldn't quite tell that they were garlic 'shrooms but they didn't just taste of mushrooms

Mid-week shop

Then we nipped to Morrison's and did a mid-week shop to top me up on lunch and potatoes mostly

More Voluntary

Gosh, so s'morning we went to Trysordy - Treasure House which is a recycling centre that seems will be expecting me next Tuesday afternoon for a couple of hours. Initially I will just be sorting out their donations but I think there may well be some duties on their PC and taking photos for their website

Back To Normal

So yesterday we finished the last of "my appointments" for now, back to dull normality again

Monday 13 May 2013

Hospital, in a bit

So after lunch "we" need to go see an ENT consultant at Glangwili Hospital so eventually he will be able to refer me to a Videofluroscopy department so they will be able to check out why I am choking etc
Lord, they spent ages looking etc, said "We will have to check up your nose", went to get the tools, disappeared for ages, SmallPaul went to have a word with him, they said "OK, not ourt issue, we will contact the 'fluroscopist.
So after all that stuff they didn't do f*** all, but they have passed on my details
Well..... now I have finished my "being busy" period for a hopefully we can just carry on with "normality"

Sunday 12 May 2013

Swollen Foot

Ed was a bit concerned that my foot was still swollen s'morning so he just put my sandal on it, no Bioness, no socks, no boots etc.
When he creamed my feet s'afternoon he said that the swelling had finished going away and he was happy

Poured with my right

So just now I was carrying the milk in my right hand to t'table. I was about to swap hands when I thought "No, try pouring this nearly full 2 pt with your right hand". So I had to lift the glass off t'table as it was too scary but I poured a whole glass - didn't spill a drop

(from my phone)


Ooh, shall I eat my breakfast immediately or go for a pooh first????? Decisions, decisions....

(from my phone)
Well I sat down, ate my breakfast then went for a pooh then went back and drank my breakfast coffee


So I got up and changed my bed s'morning. It is blooming noisy but the washing machine is washing it now

Saturday 11 May 2013


Then as we couldn't do my usual weekly shop last night we nipped to Aardvark s'morning. There was a chap working there that I haven't seen before and I was rather impressed with his attitude. I queued up, got to the front and he started scanning my weeks shopping. I said "I usually buy..... but I couldn't see any", he said "Hang on" and went to check for me.
I know it sounds silly but I think his attitude of "The customer is always right" will do him well in a career in Aardvark

Friday 10 May 2013


So we were too late to do my usual Aardvard shopping today so we had to nip to Morrison's to get some milk etc. As I would be scheduled to be back in about 36 hours to do my weekly shop I got it all now

Back in Wales

And it's raining again, hooray

(from my phone)

Lunch is murder

And we ended up eating lunch at McDonalds, I had a veggie burger but it still feels wrong being here

(from my phone)

Wedi Gorffen

So weve done that and finished. "He" seemed most concerned about immanent diabetes but he seemed a bit more relaxed when I told him there was no family history

(from my phone)


So here we are sipping a coffee after breakfast as we have a couple of hours to go before we need to be at the Doctors while he assesses me

(from my phone)

Thursday 9 May 2013

We're Here

So here we are, having fun in TheWirral. So we drove about for about an hour looking for fun, couldn't find any. So her we are sat in the bar at the hotel for an hour then give up and nip to bed, early night

(from my phone)


And we have stopped in Newtown for a coffee and a pee (OK and a hot apple pie) and IT HAS STOPPED RAINING!!!! For the first time today

(from my phone)


I am bored looking at mid Wales now, still only half way there

(from my phone)

Cwrt Henri

So we are en route to NE Wales looking for tonights hotel. We have just travelled past Cwrt Henri where I used to live years ago and looking at it it is not as posh as where I live ATM

(from my phone)

I Remember It All

And out of the blue I recalled a song and remembered all the words

We're Off, in a bit

So s'morning we have finished packing my bag etc with everything that I need to take with me to The Wirral where we are heading in a couple of hours

Wednesday 8 May 2013


Well, so tonight I felt the need to nip to Tesco's and bought more booze and a packet of Mint Flavoured Aero Bubbles

(from my phone)
They are quite nice but....
I am a bit unhappy with the Aero thingies, dunno why, it's hard to say, they are delicious but too...... summat 


So I did a webpage today and thought it hadn't written "Wave your cursor over pic" on the RHS. I looked, looked again and still didn't see it.
So obviously I need to move my head further

Only Gym

So having a new 'choose 2 from 4' gym classes this week, today I am having the only gym class that I have time for, doing important stuff all the other days
And I went along, said "Only time I will be able to come here this week" did my exercises, did 10 minutes cycling etc and came home

Tuesday 7 May 2013


And I am having 1 pint in t'pub in Carmarthen

(from my phone)
Yes, me and NaughtyNick came into town and had a good look round everywhere, from the Cattle Market Car Park (now known as Debenhams) all the way up town, along King St, the old heart of town etc

Antibiotics ✔

And when Nick was creaming my feet s'morning he commented on how much better the anti-biotics have made my leg look since yesterday
They seemed to spend a couple of days sussing out what the problem was then 24 hrs to fix it


And I am going off  to see if I can get voluntary work teaching complete beginners computing, which was my last, and be far my highest paid, job before my accident.
OK, this won't be paid but it is living&learning
Good lord, I  might have a job. I came away from there feeling really positive and my first shift is not this Thursday as I will be in England but the Thursday after. I start work at 2 but I will show up at 1.30 to find my way round etc.
Just WOW etc, I might be actually meeting folk, helping some and just meeting others

Monday 6 May 2013


And I think I'd better give Naughty Nick a new nickname, but Nick The Gardener doesn't slip off the tongue


So I was sitting out the front just now and I heard a baby crying next door. Good lord, sympathy etc. I could very well just cry every minute but I am trying to do better.

(from my phone)


So today I read webpages and figured out how to put txt on links that will come over when you wave a mouse over a picture. You need to move the mouse off and bank but then it does show your txt

Bank Holiday

So I have no gym today as it is a bank holiday. Hoo-f**king-ray.
And NaughtyNick, my temp MOS is in s'morning. For today and tomorrow and 2 days next week, then hopefully my new members of staff will be working

Sunday 5 May 2013

Stu Crumble

Then later today a visitor came, it was that friend Stuart who came on one of those scary motorcycle things but seemed to enjoy it. He chatted for a couple of hours after he gave me his present, he had brought a load of rhubarb from his garden which I have already made into a crumble, with Timmy's advice

More Reason's To Shop At..... - a link

Then later we nipped out and did the rest of the weeks shopping. Timmy did remember and said "Remember u are going away on Thursday and Friday before I bought too many 'Use by' products


So I changed the bed s'morning, Timmy said "Wanna wait 'til that has dried before changing it?" as he obviously didn't know that Mum bought me another sheet that fits

Saturday 4 May 2013


Then we nipped out s'morning and bought "stick carpet to floor" tape and some velcro etc on Petty Cash
Then we nipped out to the same place after lunch and bought carpet cleaner to clean the carpet in my lounge

Star Wars Day

May the Fourth be with you

Friday 3 May 2013


Then tonight Freya came over later and we had an excellent night playing hangman etc, then took her home later

Next Week

And then when I was having my dinner Paul announced that we are gonna have to, together, travel to the extreme of NE Wales next Thursday, to stay in a hotel so we can show up at 11 Friday morning to a hospital there to have an appointment with our team


And I am going off in a bit to interview the first 2 perhaps members of my team
Oh my lord, just sheesh, I now appear to have 2 new members of staff. Gosh it was hectic, saw 1 for an hour, had lunch then saw the other for an hour. They both did actually seem rather pleasant, we shared an interest etc. And one of them had a silly beard too!!

Thursday 2 May 2013

Out Tomorrow

So me and SmallPaul are out tomorrow, going to the Ivy Bush hotel for 12.00 where we will interview one of my new MOS's, then at 1.00 we will have lunch there then at 2.00 interview the second member of my team.
So if both these chaps seem OK we will take 'em both on to cover 1½ vacancies


And as I didn't put my Bioness back on tonight I have just put on sandals instead of boots to let my feet breath a bit

What A Morning

After Sarah Jones came to see me about my voluntary placement(1) me and Timmy nipped to town. 1) We went into the County Council offices to get some free blue and black bin bags. 2) Then we nipped into Carmarthen Garden Centre to pick up summat to kill the dandelions which we managed AND they sold organic scrumpy there too, so I had to try some. And we nipped into one of the places where I might be volunteering and it seems incredible
This afternoon we are off to the Doctors to see if I need some antibiotics for my slightly swollen right leg
(1) And she has made an appointment for me to meet the computery teacher folk next Tuesday. I am a bit excited about this one

Another Infection

Shit. I (ok, Timmy) think I may have another infection in my right foot. Hoo-flipping-ray.
Off to the doctors later to check it out

Wednesday 1 May 2013


Then Paul came round and said "We have had a hard day interviewing" and told me that we are going to meet one member in a hotel in Carmarthen, then have a hotel lunch then meet the next provisional on Friday

Nipped Out

Then we nipped out and spent some petty cash (Now I have it again) on gloves etc


And we are off to gym in a bit. As well as working I will ask her when the mobility and balance class happens
And I tried walking about gym with no 'stick today but apparently I was keeping my knee straight so perhaps I need a cane
But Sam gave me the timetable with 4 classes marked on it, any 2 of which I can go to


But I can't tell you....