Wednesday 22 May 2013


So I made excuses about being too busy all morning but SmallPaul wouldn't take any excuses and took my to the swimming pool at lunchtime today. It was as much fun as ever getting changed and down the ladder.
But walking backwards and forwards across the pool. So I stepped out with my left leg and managed to cross the forwards line etc.
Then I had to move my right foot forward, which I have always been able to do...... but this time as I moved my right foot forawrd, I tilted my left foot slightly and WOW what a difference that made. Instead of falling over to the left I was actually able to walk properly straight on both sides. What a difference, and I a)can't explain fully and b)can't do it anywhere but walking in water, for now. But it is just the best walking I have been able to do for over 10 years and hopefully I will be able to carry it over to walking outside water soon