Friday 25 October 2013

I've Won!!!

Good lord, what a stressful day. Denyse (my case manager) and some
Financial Wizard chap came to see me s'morning

They talked it through with me but basically what they were saying was
"You've won your case"

Now, seems strange to me but I do approve, they haven't said "Right
Neil - here's 75p for you for ever" but they have looked at my expenses
(my staff etc) and basically said "Here's £2.30 a year, for that and to
keep you in style, paid to you every year" so I can't brag about how
rich I am but can relax, some money will be paid to my deputy every year so I'm set up for life. So it's a bit disappointing not being able to brag but I won my case

<sings and dances with relief at last>