Tuesday 15 October 2013


So I had to get up extra early s'morning so we could go out and sit stationary in school traffic waiting to get past. Eventually we made it to the Priory Day Hospital at Glangwili General Hospital where they grinned at me and gave me a cuppa tea. Eventually the nurse was trying to take blood from my arm, no chance. So she tried to take blood from my other arm, still no chance. Eventually they had to take it from my hand, where she left a  small tap in so she didn't have to find a vein next time. Then they injected me with stuff, then I had another cuppa and waited for half an hour before she opened up my tap and took a second blood test
After all the scary unsettling stuff we headed into M&S for a brew and bun, and then I found the rest of my Christmas presents, so I have just about finished my Christmas shopping