Saturday 29 March 2014

Walking Is Getting Easier

So today we had to nip to Cantre Mobility to pick up my left handed potato peeler. So I got out of the car, switched on my FES, just got my 'stick from the boot and walked into the shop, down to the far end to the counter, into the other room to use their paying machine then back out of the shop. On my own two feet
Then we nipped to Morrisons, not to get my shopping but to get some cleaning stuff for the staff. Again I started walking but I asked SmallP to bring my wheelchair behind me in case I needed it. I didn't need it, walked about half way round the shop, back to the till then out to the car on my own two feet again.
When we got home I get out of the car and walked back into my kitchen
It is getting easier to walk every time I do it, a few weeks ago I would have felt knackered after such walking but today I am ready to do it again