Wednesday 30 April 2014


So we did nowt at gym today as we were sitting waiting to get the car back but as it all went well we will be back tomorrow, as usual


Then later we nipped out and bought 3 more lighting up things to replace the one in the front garden which needs fixing


So they contacted me last week and said "Bring your car in for MOT" we phoned them, they said "No need" but eventually they realised that my car needs MOTing last week, so today I have got to take it in. Dunno how successful it will be, if it is OK they will let me keep it for 3 years (cheaper) but if it is wonky they will insist on me having a new car. Denyse will phone them on Friday to find out
And I think it went well today, he said everything was fine so hopefully they will let me keep it

Tuesday 29 April 2014


So there is a big meeting here today, my quarterly team meeting, so all my MOSs are coming here, Denyse has to do checkups on some of them then she will approach my list

Good Night's Sleep

Another one, so I got up at 7.30 I was bored lying awake....

Monday 28 April 2014


Then we nipped off to the Leisure Centre to go swimming, up and down we went, as much fun as can be expected but today I climbed out without and scared grips etc, that proves to me that I am getting better
OK usually I climbed up the steps one at a time, just holding onto the rail but when I reached the top I had to step up further to reach the edge so I would bend over and grip the support further down, on the upwards section, so I was nearly bent double. No need today


So first thing s'morning we nipped into Morrisons to get a few items. Today I walked from the car to the shop, all way round and back to the car
In the shop we passed some strangers who said "Hello" and "Nice to see you walking, keep it up" which wa nice

Sunday 27 April 2014


And I am still watching the snooker even tho it finished on't telly hours ago....
Now the streaming link won't work but it's on the red button.....


And my eye was working OK today after nap, so dunno

Saturday 26 April 2014


And after my nap s'afternoon I couldn't see a small bit at the middle of my eye. I could see most stuff but around the centre there was a blurry flashing bit, I couldn't read what time it was from my watch eg. Panic, panic, panic but Ed said "Wait and see" and within an hour my vision is almost back to normal
I couldn't read which was the most scary thing, I communicate via email, a visual medium
And it seems he was right, an hour later and my vision was nearly as good as new and in the couple of hours since it has fixed itself


So Ed came in s'morning, said "Hello" and within 4 minutes had sorted all my email issues and said "Learn to live with it so....."

Friday 25 April 2014


Then we went to my gym class, the only one I attend now. As usual it was hard work but, as usual, I can tell how much better I am this week


And we nipped to Aardvark s'morning and did my weeks shopping. It was fine and dandy.......

Thursday 24 April 2014

Email Crisis

So my email stopped working last night, we had to phone BT and they said "Hacker", then we went out and about to gym etc s'morning then phoned again and they said "What are ur details, fairy nuff, new password is.... it may take a few mins to come thru" then 10 minuted later I recieved 150 emails from last night and today
Then today we went to gym where Paul took loadsa pics because I am doing stuff so differently than last time he was there then we nipped to the Chemist to get my "sockings". First time they said "Chemist is out and I am not qualified to hand you this, apparently" so we nipped to The Parrot and had a coffee then went back and got handed my parcel
So I walked into gym and into The Parrot

Force Of Habit

So I was sitting in my now unusual wheelchair in't kitchen having a brew, I went to move off and reached down to release the break.
Oh, that's the brake on my other not pushing very far chair that I have been using for a couple of days

Knee Hurting

And I notice today that my right knee is hurting somewhat when I walk so I think I should take it easy today, a relaxing kind of day
And if I try to bend my right knee while I walk it is much slower concentrating to walk but it disnae hurt

Wednesday 23 April 2014


And my email is broken and TechnoTimmy isn't here 'til next Tuesday

Unreal Progress

I can't even tell you how much progress I am making ATM


And we went swimming s'morning and I didn't dislike it as much as usual. But doing the "lifting" exercises with the dumbells I couldn't help thinking "My right arm/wrist is straight!!!!!!!!!" I can't believe how much better my wrist is

Tuesday 22 April 2014

& About

 And we popped out again today, to the disability aids shop,  and I did so much walking....


And as it's the school holidays so not so busy either with groups of kids or their parents we went to gym at about 11.30 s'morning. We got there, I walked from the car park into the building, thru and up to exercise room, did my weights and the cycle then walked back as far as the car, got in and sat down. Walked the whole way


And when I woke up s'morning I thought I was still in the hotel at SoS.
Most disorientating

Monday 21 April 2014

I Did

I did recall, I did walk


So s'morning I got off my ar*e and walked when I needed the loo etc, I parked my wheelchair across the room from my PC and walked to the other seat that was there
Then we went shoppng which I used my 'chair for then parked it again when we got back. Into the kitchen at lunchtime on my own two feet.
I can do it, it's just telling my brain to remember

God Botherer Day

And as it's Easter Monday the Leisure Centre is closed so I cannot (woe is me) go swimming

More Reasons....

And we nipped to Morrisons and got my usual small shop from there

Timmy Queries

And we had sorted out all my Timmy PC queries quickly s'morning and he told me how to add 😀

Visitor and I haven't even finished my coffee

So I was drinking my coffee after my breakfast s'morning when a car pulled up outside. It was my brother David, on his way back to the ferry who called in for 20 minutes

Sunday 20 April 2014


And as it was getting late tonight (like 9.45) I started to feel really knackered, like I haven't slept in my own bed for 2 nights.......

Diner Had, back in the routine.....

Well I am starting to think that SoS may have been rather good. So :-)
So we had out usual Saturday dinner tonight, roast veg which was as lovely as usual. I have experimented with setting smaller pics by height not width which works rather well

Saturday 19 April 2014


And today has provided evidence of how I should ditch my wheelchair when I get home, but then I need to read this so I can't forget

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And I walked everywhere in Hay s'morning, everywhere

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Still here


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Friday 18 April 2014

We're here

We are here, having a good time

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And s'morning we discovered that with my sockings that on my right leg the FES and the socking fit together. We nipped out and he checked my leg afterwards and it was OK so now I know I can wear them both together


So s'morning we checked all my stuff for going away then went shopping as it is delivery day at Aardvark, so we bought somee but less, it will be in my fridge for a few days b4 I use it

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So I am off in a bit to the Ixion do.....

Late peeing

So I didn't wake up for a pee at half three last night, not until half seven. Is summit improving or didn't I drink enuf yesterday?

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Thursday 17 April 2014

What a morning

So first of all we went to the Drs and picked up my script for more stocking/socks, then to the chemist to order them then we drove miles to the hospital in Swansea to see some experts about my FES, I told them what a difference it was making and they were pleased.
Then we nipped to Farmfoods on the way home and came back to have a late lunch
But when I was at the Drs I was able to walk back out, across the car park and down the steep slope to the chemist, and back with no problem

Wednesday 16 April 2014


Then we went off swimming. And the shower in the disabled changing room works again. As usual I did loadsa exercises

Studying My Sleep

Then last night I actually wore my sleep study stuff which was a bit strange but I have done it. Wait and see if they give me some advice
Apparently I should be known as Normal Neil which is good, at a guess

Tuesday 15 April 2014


And Paul impressed me again (I know....) by fixing the outdoor string of butterfly lights. They were working until we lifted them yesterday to mow, since then only 1 bulb, next to controler was working. He checked along all of it, I said "No, it must be here" and in the end he found a piece of broken wire where I said. So scissors, pressing into place, insulating tape to cover the gap and all the lights light up again

In Hossie

Then s'afternoon I had to go to hospital to get given some equipment to monitor my breathing overnight. Then Paul will take it back in't morning.
If they think there is an issue with my breathing they will then take action, apparently an oxygen cylinder and some pipes up the nose is likely

Emergency muesli shopping

So last week as they had no Organic Delux Muesli in stock I bought a small bag of normal which ran out s'morning. As we were on the way to Aardvark we saw the Essentials lorry pulling away sojust in time
I walked the whole way from Wilkinsons car park the whole way to Aardvark and then stood up and waited for them to weigh out what we needed
Then we went into Wilkinsons and bought a garden rake because when "he" cut the grass yesterday it left some bits behind


And today Paul is getting stuck into fitting handles to my dining room chair so I can pull it closer to table etc. The ones that me and Alex bought yesterday but Alex bottled out and wouldn't fit them. But Paul is coming across as less scared...

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Monday 14 April 2014


So about 27 hours after I started I suddenly thought "Ahhh..." so now we have an animated version of a page with 2 pics in.

New Socks

And tonight, for the first time, I am wearing my new socks/stockings combo, it feels a bit strange (different) but I think they will actually do my legs more good and actually stay in position on my knees. If I get on with them I will have to contact the Dr and ask for another pair


So I was in bed just counting because... dunno why but I was. But if my memory was gone (like it was) I wouldn't be able to remember that eg 30 came after 29. What a thought...
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And we went to Morrison's and did our half a weeks shopping (as I am going to SoS on Friday) but mental issues and I bought a whole weeks Blueberries

Early Bird

So Alex  came in at 8AM s'morning as Ed is off to nursing early.
I haven't even had breakfast yet...
Phew, I have now... 

Sunday 13 April 2014


Good lord, pink is my favourite colour


And as my barber MOS was in here today (unusually) I had a going to SoS haircut

Sore Leg

And as I was trying to make my right knee bend more yesterday, to ease my walking, today it hurts more when I walk at all

Saturday 12 April 2014


So today me and Timmy had to go to the Ex-Tesco shop now Wilkinson's in Carmarthen. There he had to buy (with my petty cash card) a new shredder to shred paper before throwing it away, and I bought some Toilet Duck loo keeper clean and weed killer for the garden


And as I am trying to walk better I have been exercising my right leg. But it just won't move forward from the ankle so everyone who sees me walk says "Straight leg" but I can't help it, it just won't bend
And Timmy says it is much more complex than that, it is because my......... ged nose, sorry, np, perhaps attached to, somehow because the connections are well complex, attached to my ABI

Friday 11 April 2014


Then, on the way to Aardvark, we had to pop into the Doctors and get the 'script for my new shorter stockings(1). AND we had to ask for a urine sample bottle (or piss bottle as I phrased it) so I can take one to the diabetic Dr next week

(1) And they took the script off my in the chemist and said "Should be in on Monday"
Then we finally made it to Aardvark. Where, again, I left my chair outside, walked up and down the slopey bit to the back room, bought loadsa fruit and veg etc then stood, queued to pay, all on my own two feet
Tonight we had pizza made with half stuff
from there and as ever it was delicious.
But tonight we had it with sweet potato chips which
were equally nice but a pain to lift after cooking 


Then, as soon as she had left, we went out to look at the next house, just over the main road then immediately turn left so not far away. I thought it was nice, but it needed some work and there is a step in both back and front so perhaps not that nice after all

Toenail Cutter

And the chiropodist came and made a big difference to my right big toe, she cut it all back but now there is a kind of scar where it has rubbing for ages but it is no longer rubbing, I am so grateful.
She cut my other nine toes too but this one was the difference

Thursday 10 April 2014


A busy day and after watching her being honoured in school we had a dinner with Freya which I still had to buy even tho it was my birthday

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Birthday shopping

So we went out and bought my own birthday pressie from my parents at their instructions, a new Kindle with a light so I can read it outside at night etc etc and my Mum is gonna do a transfer of funds to my account tomorrow
And my Mum transferred the cash today, ta to her

Phone To Complain

And I had to phone my local pub and tell 'em that the flyer I got about it t'other night didn't mention their (excellent) vegetarian option. If I just read the bumph I (and 7% of the UK population) would think, "Naaah" so they are potentially putting off some trade


So I was taken against my will to the swimming pool. It was a bit too busy slightly to do all my exercises but it was OK. I'm flipping knackered now tho....

Tuesday 8 April 2014


Good lord. In the past I was a reader, since my accident less so. I got a Kindle which helped no end. Then I was preoccupied with doing other stuff and forgot about it.
Then last week I started reading again, I thought "What?" and installed "2001 - A Space Odyssey" and no other books.
And tonight I have just finished it. Just wow etc. What shall I read now?

Light Late

And we nipped out in the car tonight and it was still light so much later now....


And as Sara left so late and I then had to get on my PC b4 bath etc and then I needed to nip to More Reasons To Shop At.... to get some greaseproof paper in order to cook the delicious dinner we had I just haven't been able to do any gym
But as Sara commented the hairs on my legs are coming back big style, like they were before my accident. There is still a way to go but I am getting there

Nag nagety nag

So Sara came round this morning and we went out and walked half way up the street, all uneven etc, without my wheelchair accompaniment. So then I had to walk back which I did.
Then she made me walk into the kitchen and prepare lunch on my own two feet. So she reckons every day I should walk into the kitchen, make my lunch etc etc and walk back out afterwards

Monday 7 April 2014


Still, I am sorry but going to the loo now, closing the door with my right hand and standing up thru pee.......


Well we nipped to the gym s'afternoon. Timmy said "No need for treadmilling, you walked so far s'morning" so I did full 15 minutes on an exercise bike followed by 3 of my weight lifting exercises

Walking Everywhere

Then s'morning we nipped to Morrison's. I was wheelchaired thru the rain 'til we were through the front door. Then I stood up and pushed my trolley. Until after we had left the shop and walked back to the car
There was a bit of an attitude, every time I moved my right foot forward it hit the trolley. Timmy advised me to bend my knee much more and it didn't hit when I was walking then


And it is raining loads again today (and yesterday) but the river thru Carmarthen, the Towy,  seems less overfull and flooding than it was a couple of weeks ago
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Well it's dry now, s'afternoon. Still cold and windy but dry now

Sunday 6 April 2014


And Freya came round and went straight to bed to have a nap.
Because she does feel comfortable being in her Daddy's house I guess
And we can't wake her up to have her dinner

Out Looking

And we went out & about looking at this property we had seen. No, it doesn't look as nice in real lift. On one side there is an enormous building keeping the light out and around the front there is a beautiful garden leading onto a busy road.
So we added that to the no list instead of "More Potential"

Birthday Pressie For Myself

Oh dear, I bought one today


And the chap measured my legs s'morning as he does every day and my right leg is the narrowest it has ever been since we started measuring
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Saturday 5 April 2014

Quiet (wet) day

So today I am having a relaxing day. ATM I am charging my Kindle again....

Friday 4 April 2014


So I was just playing a bedtime game of pool, I broke, failed, the PC played, scored with all but one of his coloureds, I tried, scored with all of my coloureds and the black in one go, one turn.
I WON!!!!!

Looked At One/Two

And we went back to have a second look at a house with Paul but he was anti it for many reasons. It was built before the regs changed so the doorways need widening, the kitchen needs knocking thru etc.
So ultimately we decided no
Then later we went to have a first look at one which looked nice. It did, the house looked lovely, the garden looked lovely but it seemed to be next door to a council estate, downmarket and if I am gonna spend that much on a house, nice neighbours are essential


So me and Gareth went to gym. I had my FES switched off for 90% of it and I was able to keep my foot straight. And I was standing and walking for the whole hour. As I was feeling a bit smug about my progress not one but 2 women seperately told me that they can see a difference in me nowadays

Thursday 3 April 2014

It ASDA be....

Gosh. So Julia messaged me and said Toby has run out of credit, can you phone him, so eventually I agreed to open an Asda account and say "Click and collect" and Toby will fetch shopping tomorrow
What a performance, there is a minimum spend on the account and I don't know what Toby likes now but.....

Weight Lifting

So s'morning I went to gym with my new instructions that Sara sent t'other day and as it was confusing going "What machine?" I got Alex to take some photos which I put together and printed out so next time we will at least know most of it
But oh it was hard work

Wednesday 2 April 2014

At Last

And I lost one game of solitaire after another today but I have just (at 7.40pm) won my first game of the day

I am getting better

Just got out of the bath and I was using my right arm to dry my right leg.

Swimmeth Ye Not

So s'morning I was trying to think of an excuse to not go swimming when Alex came in with sticky plasters wrapped right round one finger which he nearly cut off s'morning when he was doing the washing up at home before he left for here.
So it's his fault not mine that we are not swimming today

Tuesday 1 April 2014


Then tonight we headed out passing loadsa places "we" used to live and generally having a marginally scary memory session


Then s'afternoon we nipped off to't gym for more cycling and treadmilling exercise

Email Crisis

Then s'morning BT internet decided it had my password wrong, crisis, crisis, no email, then by 1.30 I had reset the password online but couldn't find how to do it in my email program, I had just got it fixed, thought "Hooray" and was about to read my first email when Gareth took me to the gym for more exercise

Big Long Walk

So we drove to town, parked in Wilkinsons car park and walked along , across Lammas Street, down Mansel Street all the way to the old Aardvark shop, which is looking OK now, about to be reopened as a café