Wednesday 21 May 2014


Today we headed off to town with no wheelchair, we just left it here
So first of all today we nipped to Wilkinson's to buy some sugar for the staff. We walked back and put that in the car, then walked off along Merlin's Walk and turned left onto Llamass St at the end. We stopped off at the Boars Head for an OJ which was nice, there is no wheelchair access so I haven't been there for more than a dozen years, then we walked along til we got to the old Tesco's Back Car Park and turned left along there and across into the car park where we had left Betty an hour or so ago.
By jupiter but it was a long way. I think if someone had been pushing my wheelchair behind me I would have said "Gizza lift" about 2/3 of the way through but as I had no choice I just carried on