Thursday 5 June 2014


So after a quiet start today me and Gareth went into Wilkinson's to but some bird feeder stuff, then after that we nipped to the gym where I did my exercises again.
The point is we left my house without the wheelchair, it was still sitting in my bedroom. So I walked, on my own two feet, from the carpark outside Wilkinson's, around the shop, back to the car, rested for 2 minutes while he drove then walked from the far away spot at gym, into gym, along the corridor there, up in the lift, along another corridor then into the exercise room, in, from one machine to the other then back , corridor, lift, corridor, out and across the car park then finally reached the car where I got in and sat down with a sigh of relief. But I did it. Leaving my chair behind, going shopping, then gymming then home again