Then after lunch me and Alex talked about gym and he agreed to go for a walk at the beach instead. This time we went to Burry Port which is a lot more walkable. So I was able to walk about 0.5 of a KM away then I sat in my chair and said "Take me back"On the way back home I said "Take me to Farm Foods" and I bought some more spuds etc. And he pushed my wheelchair and I didn't touch it while shopping
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
So s'morning we went to the Doctors to pick up another script for TestoGel. So I walked out of the house and got into the car, we left the wheelchair in the bedroom. When we got there I was able to walk ito the Docs, including one step upwards, then I walked out of the Docs, across the way and down the last hilly bit to the chemist