And it was good, someone who wasn't there last month said "How long is it since I saw you?" as I wasn't there month before that..... just generally it was well good and did include a new singer who wasn't in the habit of singing in public but was excellentAND they were proud to tell me, they had a vegetarian (actually vegan) bitter beer on sale. VBG, it's good to make a difference
Thursday, 31 July 2014
I'm So Excited
Tonight we are going out to... (noisy link)
So Paul had to do my feet early today as when he is still in handover Denyse might arrive.
She is bringing my will for me to sign and I wanna ask her about digicam coursesPhew she is gone now. We signed my will and about a dozen other pieces of paper but now it's done and witnessed. Denyse talked about me doing the photography course, with someone videoing it and with a special round neck cam which is designed for folk with memory issues and apparently it works dead well
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Big Walky
And because gym was full of kids doing some kind of swimming exhibition today me and SmallP went for a walk over the Pont King Morgan footbridge in Carmarthen. Then when we walked all the way to the other side we turned back and crossed it again. It was good exercise. SP pushed my wheelchair and I didn't sit in it until half way back when I sat down for 5 minutes, didn't move and got back on my feet and walked back to the car
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Early Gym
It wasn't in my diary to go 'til later but as it' the summer holidays we went to gym over lunchtime today. I did 3 stretching/lifting exercises then my 20 mins on the bike. It is still difficult but definately easier than in the past
And once more we left the house with no wheelchair in't bootAnd while I was there I bumped into Sam, yes, she's back. She commented on how much thinner I look today as opposed to the 2 months ago when she saw me last, she commented on "Where's your wheelchair?" and how cruel she was gonna be to me on Friday
Right Hand Again
I tried walking s'morning with my 'stick in my right hand but it proved impossible. Later, after Alex had fitted my FES I tried again and it was well possible. Dunno if it is the FES making a difference of whether I was just trying before I had woken up properly, I will see tomorrow.
Here we go....
But for now, in the house, I am walking with my walking stick in my right hand. My posture is better etc, it is just betterAND it seems to have improved my "walking more uprightly, not leaning over one way" when holding my stick in my left hand (see the pic of me holding it straight down), so......
Here we go....
Not Buying That
So it's on the market, possibly a bit too dear even for me, and an anti bungalow, so no ta, not this year
Monday, 28 July 2014
Just wow, what a session with the physio lady. First of all she has been working with me for 2 years and she said that my walking today was the best she has ever seen.
Then after a bit more walking practice she got me to start walking with my walking stick in my right hand. What a difference, I am more upright, better at walking (although much slower for now) just WOW, what progress. So she said "Practice this and I will see you in a fortnight"
Sunday, 27 July 2014
Well it's working in the kitchen now, I haven't been on my PC yet but...
And I have just (had a poo then) come into the living room and it all works, so shrug
Saturday, 26 July 2014
Friday, 25 July 2014
So while we were at the supermarket s'afternoon a chap came to try to deliver summat. I had asked them to leave it and they did. So my new blueberry protector is protecting them
So s'morning is my biggest shop trip to Aardvark, followed by a gym class. Dunno if Sam is back this week or next but......
Well they sold me loadsa stuff, so ta to them. As we were advised by Timmy we park on the double yellow lines outside the shop, walk in, do my shopping and walk back to the carThen just before lunch we had to go back to the "Last Samless" class at gym. I think that she hasn't seen me for 2.5 months she is going to be astonished at what I can do now. I was being a bit astonished myself since last weeks class
And I had my FES fitted but didn't switch it on todayAnd then as I have to go to the supermarket to pick up some blueberries later (they had none in Aardvark s'morning) I figure I might as well do my whole weeks shop, I think I will be able to get stuff with a long enuf date
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Gym (again)
So I went to gym and 20 minutes on the bike, it was well hot. But I noticed again that my knee isn't turning in, like it wasn't when Paul took a photo on Tuesday
And I didn't have my FES fitted, but we went without my 'chair and I walked in
Wonky Mind
And I woke up with my wonky memory s'morning and still remembered to walk into the living room first and take the iPad off charging and bring it into the kitchen
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
No Pissing Often
And I seem to be able to wait reasonable length of time between pisses, as I was in't 'wimming pool s'morning, so I am going for my nap now, piss first and wait and see

And it seems to have worked, no infection today
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
Out Again
And we went to look at another house tonight and I think I like it and wanna buy it. Hopefully Denyse can come and look at it when she is here on 31st and then put stuff in motion
Then we went to gym early but it was too hot to do anything but cycle but I managed 20 minutes
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Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
Right Hand
So I got up s'morning and on the way to the kitchen I called into the living room to fetch my iPad which had been charging. As usual I carried it in my right hand and held my 'stick in my left. So I reached the table where it sits on a stand. Then today, for the first time ever(1) I didn't prop up my stick and use my left hand to put it on, I just used my right hand to move it about a foot forward and a bit up and set it on the base, my right hand
So obviously everything is getting better, just so slowly...(1) Ever, I didn't own one of these before my accident, so the first time ever
Monday, 21 July 2014
Allergic To Swimming Pool
So today I behaved just like after I went swimming last week but it finished quicker today. So after my swim and lunch etc I went to bed for my nap. I had a pee then went to bed. But 20 minutes later I had to get up and pee again. Then after another 20 mins of sleep I went to the loo again. Since then my bladder has calmed down but I couldn't hold it in earlier, even a 20 minutes later so small pee.
But it's back to normal now....
So me and Alex "went out for a bit" early s'evening. First of all we found a coffee shop and had a coffee there then we went exploring and went to another obscure shop which didn't have what we were looking for, but did sell us some bird bath thingy
So we went swimming today, yes it was crowded with kids (now it's the summer holidays) but we managed, mostly exercises not lengths but we did get 3 lengths done
And I did that jumping up and down exercise, it's getting easier every timeActually I would praise todays swimming session.... "No Neil, shhh"
Sunday, 20 July 2014
Saturday, 19 July 2014
Then Gareth was cutting the grass today but I had to stop him, walk over and take over. It was very hard, walking on an uneven surface but I managed, I even kept the mower on target
So as we had to go out to Morrison's Stores to pick up some soap for the staff loo and then, as we were in town, I suggested that we try that "T" place to get some Sweet Potato Oven Chips which are a bit delicious and slimming too
I Recalled How
And I remembered s'morning how to...... so I took the lead out of the pretend plug thingy, plugged it into a socket on the front of my PC (having already removed another lead) plugged it into my Kindle and copy and pasted a book from M: drive onto my Kindle
Friday, 18 July 2014
Right Hand
So I was cooking pizza for dinner. There I was chopping mushrooms when suddenly I thought "With my right hand!". I hadn't decided to use my right hand instead of my left, it was just force of habit.
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So my old habits are waking up once more--
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Busy Morning
So I need to go get my weekly shopping in Aardvark then go off to the Drs to have an injection in my bum then to my gym class, the only one I actually attand a class
Then catch my breath and relaxWell, first of all I was wheelchaired across the road to Aardvark, I left my wheelchair outside then did my shopping. Then we put the shopping in't boot and went to the Drs and I walked in there and stood up while she injected my arse. It doesn't hurt at all now, obviously she was good and steady handed.
Now we came home, put my shopping away and we will be at gym in about 20 minutesAnd on reflection we had to go back to Aardvark to but the rest of the veg that we forgot s'morning. My excuse is the assistant was so beautiful that I was eager to see her
Thursday, 17 July 2014
Out - chairless
And we went to our local pub tonight and when I walked in there a local commented on "Where's your wheelchair?" which was nice
And Julia's parents came in to see me today. And Brian, who I saw last year, commented on how much better I was.
Which was nice as I can't tell how much better I am getting...
Then we had a long session with Sara Davis the physio. She txted me s'morning and said 'Shall we paddle today?' but as my ex- inlaws are coming to visit me I wouldn't have time. So we did loads of practicing walking with no walking stick which if difficult was very good
Wednesday, 16 July 2014
And I am walking today without an FES being fitted and without a s(t)ocking being fitted because we are off to the swimming pool in a bit, but I am so impressed with how little my right foot is turning over the wrong way. Dunno what or who to thank but a combination of factors have worked big style
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
And it feels odd but nice. Firmer (but no phnaar phnaar)
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Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
And it feels odd, the mattress is about an inch thicker than the old one and it seems really strange getting on to my own feet as the floor is further away...
Off now.....
And oh what fun we had. So first of all I did 3 exercise machines then 20 minutes on the bike. It's definitely the right way round to do it, after cycling I would have no energy for machines but t'other way round I have some for the bike, after 10 mins I am knackered but I just carry onAnd we left my wheelchair here and went without it. Walking is still difficult and slow but I am 100 times better at it, I find it easier, than last week
And today we were walking in thru the café when we were called by 3 women from Tuesday class who recognised me. "Where's your wheelchair?" they said, they haven't seen me since I was attached to my 'chair so were just generally pleased and praise worthy to see me on my own 2 feet
So I was half way thru eating breakfast s'morning when my mobile rang. It was a chap saying "We weii be with you within an hour", then after I finished my coffee and about another 12 minutes the mattress delivery people arrived. We had just finished taking the old one off and putting it in the garage when the new one came. They dropped in into the bedroom then Timmy took charge. I have only sat on it so far but it felt really comfy.
So when Paul has recovered and is back at work we can put the old one in the back of his van and take it to t'tip
Monday, 14 July 2014
Sunday, 13 July 2014
Then we went down to the park looking for this gig. We couldn't find it, there was some kind of war re-enactment thingy on in the main bit so we were about to head off. I said "Can u push me to the loo first?" so we went right round behind the wartime actors then suddenly heard music, Sandwitch were playing to almost no-one on the other side but by god they were excellent with it
Toast And....
So earlier on today because my usual lunch stuff of bread rolls had ran out I took 2 pieces of bread out of the freezer (OK yesterday but...) and had it for lunch today(1). It was lovely, toasted with jam which I did all the 'putting it on' myself
(1) We shopped before lunch time today but that wasn't planned, so I had to eat defrosted bread for lunch anyway
More Reasons To Shop At.....
So we nipped to Morrison's s'morning to get a few bits to let me relax tomorrow morning etc. So when we went in there was a woman stood in front of us, with a big trolley to fill up with food, and her 2 yo daughter standing picking up a basket. Mummy was saying summat along the lines of "Put that back, hold onto the trolley" so I got stuck in. I caught daughters attention, held my hands out and said "Can I have that basket please?", she didn't even hesitate, held her hands out and said "Here you are"
So I carried that basket around and filled it with my shopping
Saturday, 12 July 2014
And when I was cooking tonight I actually used the full sized 'bread' knife to chop the vegetables instead of the much smaller knifes I have been using for ages. Dunno why, at a guess I was just too scared of not being able to handle the big knife but it is actually much easier to use, with a longer cutting stroke too
Emergency Shopping
Then we had to go shopping to buy some more "cover your plants" stuff and it seems to have worked, Alex had to get stuck in with scissors and string but it seems to have worked now
And we were a bit confused. Alex said "Shall we go out today" but it turns out he was mistaken, where he planned to take me was on tomorrow but it does seem relatively good, and I hope Gareth will enjoy it too tomorrow
Little Old Lady
Sara Bailey came into check on my "speech and language" and my swallowing and choking etc s'morning and was very pleased and positive. I last choked about 5 months ago and her 'eat like this' methods have become second nature for me now.
So it was a positive visit
Friday, 11 July 2014
Busy Morning
So at about half past ten when they had finished the handover me and Gareth went to look at a house. It wasn't bad, it needed some work but I came away being relatively positive. So when Denyse is back from holiday next week I will ask her to come and look
Then I went to gym and did my usual workout. When he was doing the lift arms exercise I was impressed, my right arm now lifts as far as my left. It takes a lot more effort to get it there but it goesThen we nipped to Aardvark and spent loads on food etc
It was nearly 3 o'clock by the time we got home but a useful days activity compressed into a morning
Thursday, 10 July 2014
Out Tonight
And we went out tonight (as I couldn't see to cook) and used up the £25 voucher I won last time. Which was nice
And we got ta go out s'afternoon to a diabetes clinic where they are going to...... dunno
And they put some eye drops in and took photos of both eyes. Dunno why but she will send the results here when she knows.Now I can't see, not to drive or use heavy machines....
And I can read emails again now, we have been out for a couple of hours now my eye works again
Looking At Houses
And we went out s'morning 7 miles north of Carmarthen, OK it seemed like 20 miles but we were only 7 away and went to look at a house. But it was beautiful but too many stairs inside, up and down.
On the way back we went to look at another house that Timmy had seen on the 'web s'morning and it looked well worth a second view, so we will have to phone agents etc etc. It is bigger than it looks in pic, it goes far backAnd after a phone call we will go and meet them tomorrow morning
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Tongue Brushing
And as instructed by my dentist today I have just, for the first time in my life, brushed my tongue after my teeth
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Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
Agents On T'Phone
And my phone rang s'morning, I answered it and it was an estate agent telling my that they have made an appointment for me to look at the house tomorrow morning
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Camera Everywhere
And today I took a picture in the loo. When I had my old Nikon I would have set it down and nipped to the loo but nowadays my digi-cam is in my bumbag, it travells everywhere with me
So s'afternoon I went to bed for my nap. I dried myself after my bath and lay down on the bed. As it is summer I was able to lie there without pulling covers over. I was warm enough, my left foot was, my boll#cks were, my hands were but my right foot, the one with the bent over toes, felt freezing
Woe Is Me(1)....
So in a couple of weeks I will do longer able to go swimming as it will be too busy with school holidaying kids....
(1) or should that be "Wow" or other happy chappy noises
Monday, 7 July 2014
Perhaps this new one is worth it, pop over and have a look s'afternoon
No wasn't, house looked OK but the garden was well hilly.However we received another email s'afternoon so we will pop over and have a look
And the last one seemed rather nice, 4 miles further away from Carmarthen but very good all round. So he will phone 'em in't morning and make arrangements for a proper viewing
Sunday, 6 July 2014
More Reasons To Shop At......
Well as me and SmallChap will probably be busy tomorrow I'd better go shopping today. First I need to finish salad etc with lunch then hopefully I will get a fresher one....
(noisy second link)
Saturday, 5 July 2014
Cut it off, it's all grey
So as Ed is working today I had another haircut. Which was fine etc.
But before he cut it I went for a look in the mirror, summat I haven't done much of recently. So I looked at my hair and thought that when Gareth had cut it last he had taken all the colour away, it looks grey now
Friday, 4 July 2014
And we are off in a bit to do my usual shopping in Aardvark, but this week, unlike last week, I will need to buy a load of veg again, to roast. Because last week my parent's were here and taking me out for dinner instead, but this week it is back to normal
And we went and parked 100 yds away up the road which wasn't an issue but it took so long afterwards that Alex had to come indoors and put milk in't fridge then come straight back and take me to gymWhich was as much fun as ever but I am getting better at it. But today the instructor said that Sam is coming back to work at the end of the month. Which is nice (And I wore my FES today, kept it switched on 'til about half was through the session then I just left it switched off)
Thursday, 3 July 2014
And we went out s'afternoon for two destinations without my wheelchair. So we set off first of all to Morrison's(1) to get a small salad to last 3 days ('til I go shopping again on Monday) then we carried on to gym where again I cycled for 20 minutes. Gosh I am exhausted but it is proof that my walking is getting better
(1) no FES fitted as I was cycling at gym
And after months of not using the recycle bin on my PC I have got it back and running again. Because to do the 'throw away without binning' stuff requires a left hand and a right hand on keyboard simultaneously which was too much hassle back then but now my right hand is a bit better so I will struggle on and use it.
Because all exercise is better so it is improving it more....
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
First Things First
So first of all s'morning we went back to the Vauxhall garage that we left in discust last week and said "Actually we have £200 so can we have that after all". So he said yes, filled in form after form but they agreed. So my new car should arrive within a month
And it was the only black version of this car available anywhere in the country so I had it quick before someone else sees it
Pay It
So Timmy txted me last night and said "I told 'em about your free car not being available, they said Denyse needs to check out a new car and she is on holiday, therefore pay for one, we will give you cash when needed" so tra lah lah, Peugots off list as they need "checking out" so I will go down and order an expensive Vauxhall in't morning
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Right Hand
And I had to cut open two burger buns to have with dinner tonight. So I got them out, got the knife, board then cut the buns. With my right hand.
It went well, no problem so I can use my right hand better than I thought
Busy(ish) Morning
So s'morning we went to Farm Foods to stock up on baking spuds etc. As we left Alex said "Bring wheelchair?", I said "Yes, paranoia, big shop" but then we got there and Alex pushed my wheelchair in but it was effectively a shopping trolley, I walked everywhere and all the way back to the car
On my own two feet!!
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