Wednesday 3 September 2014

Interweb Crisis

So s'morning I thought I would update my BLOG while eating my breakfast, but the iPad(1) was refusing to connect to the Interweb. So I restarted it and it still wouldn't work. So I left it in discust and went into the living room and sat at my PC. And the Interweb wasn't working here either. Then I heard some loud swearing coming from the office as Gareth had typed loads of report and pressed send, it had gone from their PC but no Interweb so it had disappeared. So I walked into the hall and pressed the "Reset" button on the bottom of the router and it all seems to work again. Eventually
(1) But I woke up s'morning, got dressed, walked towards the kitchen for breakfast but on the way there I nipped into the living room to unplug my iPad from charging and take it back into the kitchen to use it. So obviously certain aspects of my memory are improving. Just certain aspects as I couldn't remember why I had typed this "(1)" into my blog..... so I deleted it and half an hour later recalled  and came back to put it right