Monday 10 November 2014

See To My Teeth

And I have got an appointment with the dentist today, just after lunchtime... So I think I may try it on my own two feet again, ISTR that we managed that last time I was there so...
And I thought "No swimming, I can't same day as dentist" etc, GGtGG argued loads but I had so many excuses, so "he" decided to nip to gym for an exercise session s'morning instead......
Grumble Grumble
So after lunch I went and brushed and flossed and I hope she will be pleased with my teeth generally. Afterwards I had 20 minutes on my PC then it's time to go see 'em
And she did tell me again how important it is to brush your teeth in morning, but she did tell me that you don't need to do the whole "brush for 2 minutes" ritual so I might get involved with just cleaning them a bit in t'morning