Friday 23 January 2015

What A Day

(Sigh)So first of all we nipped to Aardvark first of all and did my weeks shopping. Then as we had time we nipped to the docs and the chemist and picked up the cream for Neil's boobs. Then we went to gym for my class. But the class was off as Sam was poorly and the other member of staff who could take it had just been sick so had gone home at lunchtime. So I just went to the gym and got stuck into exercises then bike. Then we had to nip to Morrisons and buy a load of T bags for the staff.
Then we headed home for a late lunch
When we got here we found Timmy and a surveyor who had been sent by Denyse to check out whether my house is falling down, before we make an offer. He was very pleased with what he found tho...