Thursday 26 March 2015

What A Day # 27

So we met up with Denyse s'morning and had our conversation about various stuff. She looked on her iPad and said "Wow, here is an email that I got 15 minutes ago, you have got the house, all bought etc". So I was too pleased/excited to take in any more stuff but Timmy was there making notes so hopefully..... We had a lovely lunch in the pub in Cardiff and set off to come home. On the way back I thought "Lord, I haven't had a pee since before we left Llangain", yes it is still pale so obviously my bladder is so much more efficient.
So after we stopped and walked into the Cafe in Carmarthen so I could use the loo we went off to the O2 phone shop. Basically they had forgotten about that "Sooner" email they sent and will charge me to change but if I wait until the 7th of may I can get a new phone then. I can't get a Blackberry like mine but I had already decided to try a type on the screen type so all is well. Just waiting now....
Then we went to B&Q and tried to buy more locks for the house to replace the existers but failed, so we came back for my bath and nap. When we got here the ex landlord had been round and [osted all the keys thru the door. After nap we headed out to B&Q with a better idea and we bought 2 new locks, one for the front door and 1 for the back. Timmy had said "No time to change them today, it's dark" but I pointed that both the doors open inwards so switch a light on in the hall etc
And I bought this house today.....