Monday 13 April 2015


And then we had a hectic, unpleasant trip to the swimming pool.

A) A chap had ignored the sign that sez "Don't leave your stuff in the changing room", left his stuff and kind of half outside locked the door on the big "2 person" changing room. So we had to go to another smaller, not as well equipped, room

B) Primary schools are still on holiday, so there were loads of little kids in the way

C) The disabled loo (Which I wanted to use after being polite enough to not pee in the pool) the light was broken, so GGtGG had to leave the door an inch open and stand in the way so no-one else could use it while I was in there so I could see

But I did it, swam some, did some exercises, showered in one of the open to the public "Don't take your pants off" showers (and had my cream put on in there) before drying and dressing in a much smaller room round then back