Saturday 9 May 2015

In Town

So we nipped to Carmarthen to buy some printer paper for "them", so then I said 'Push me around town' so we explored from one end of town to the other
On the way around town I met one of the wannabe singer/guitarists from..... Folk Club. She stopped to speak to us and did comment that when she first met me, a year or 3 ago that my speech wasn't as clear then, whereas nowadays it is as good as most peoples. Which was good to hear, because the people I speak to most are "my staff" who have practised listening to me so they can't really say if it is clearer or not. So not only was it good to meet someone that beautiful, but she made me feel happier about my speech
Not that I can shut up nowadays, practicing you see...
And while heading around town we called into Nomads shop where I wish my brother hadn't bought me so many clothes (from Belfast), when they wear out I will have to replace them from here. And I knew the woman who was working there which felt a bit strange