Tuesday 26 January 2016


Right. My view is that "It's fscked" but MightyMike says "No, it's tendonitis" so at a guess rest it
Well as I need to rest it I will ask GGtGG to nip out to the car and fetch it in for me to use, as a guess I will use it today and tomorrow then try to start walking everywhere again
"If you think you have injured a tendon, stop doing the exercise or activity that caused your symptoms and rest the affected area initially. As your symptoms start to improve, you can gradually return to your normal activities"
So Timmy txted me to say "If it hurts you need to see your doc" but as it doesn't hurt now, it only hurts when I am walking on it I suspect that just resting it will help
And as "resting" when GGtGG got my 'chair out I asked him to put the foot holder for my right leg on so I am not even having to hold that leg upwards. It is the leg that has been causing all the trouble, my left leg still works