Friday 26 February 2016


So we are off to the Docs s'morning to have my 3 monthly testosterone jab and we phoned s'morning and made another appointment half an hour later to see a doc and get new cream for my armpits. The cream we got a month ago hasn't worked
Right. What a morning. So first thing we drove to the Drs and saw a nurse type person who jabbed my arse. Ouch. But she did say that in 3 months when I have the next jab it will be a different juice, hopefully much smaller than she had to inject me with today.
Then we waited at the Drs for about 8 minutes then we were called in to see the doc re my armpit infections. So she had a look and gave me a different cream and some soap stuff just for my 'pits, normal soap for everywhere else and this to wash my pits. AND she said "Stop using deodorant at all until this is better"