Monday 28 March 2016

Yum yum

So as we are going to the 'wimming pool at about lunchtime I thought "Ah, snack" about 11AM s'morning. So I headed to the kitchen thinking of lovely treats etc that I could have but then I thought "No Neil, diet" and ate a fscking apple.
Which was OK but it gives me so much pleasure nowadays because I wasn't capable of eating an apple unless I took a knife to it and chopped it up for so long. Not nowadays, just big bite, big bite, big bite
And we went swimming s'morning. It was a "see how busy it is, we may have to go to gym" but no, it wasn't too busy. We did our exercises and at the end I did 6 lengths on the trot!!
It is getting easier as my right leg and my right arm become more obedient etc