Tuesday 17 May 2016

And About

So first thing today me and AlexTheLeaver nipped to Morrisons and got some extra muesli, well a bowl of cereal waiting for the milk as my cereal is gonna run out 1 or 2 days before I get my weekly food delivery and I didn't wanna buy loads of non organic cereal
Then we nipped to gym over lunchtime and it wasn't busy at all, so we got in to do my exercises without queuing. The 'lift your arm' exercises that originally I was able to do 5 of, last week I managed 12, well today I managed 29 out of 30 target. So obviously summat is improving, big style
 And I did buy an enormous garlic bread for tonight as a)my sense of taste is improving and b)I did like garlic bread in the past. So tonights dinner is summat from the freezer, sweet potato oven chips and garlic bread.
      Yum yum