Thursday 19 May 2016

What A Morning

So, after my toast incident, me and Timmy headed over to the hospital for a blood sample which I new nowt about but I haven't seen Timmy for a week and he knew. Basically they need to check my testosterone levels before my next booster jab, which is tomorrow. So we needed it today which was already looking a bit busy. So we popped over to the hospital first thing, went around the car park twice looking for a space, said "No, too busy, come back later" and headed off down King St to park near Iechyd Da and get the veg. As we turned into King St it started to rain and Timmy said "Shall I run'?" so I sat in the car and let him. Then we went to Morrisons and did the rest of the shopping, including Blueberries which were marked as NA on my orgy porgy veg box. Then we brought this home then tried the hospital again. This time we got a parking space and when we went into the department there was no queue at all. So 10 minutes later she had finished and I thanked her for being so capable and not hurting me etc. Then we headed to gym where Timmy was describing how he thought I had been skiving and missing training etc and I did a mega cycle in 1 minute under target time.
Now I am sitting at home with less on the plate