Saturday 16 July 2016

Isn't She Wonderful

And Awesome tried my FES again today. We had an issue with it, it just stopped working totally when we were in the car to somewhere yesterday morning. GGtGG looked at it, changed pads, changed bottom receptor but it still wouldn't work. Awesome had a go s'morning, it said "No" so I set off up the room for a walk, about 5 or 6 steps later it started again
So I am lucky, not just to have someone that beautiful working for me but someone that talented
  • Aargh, after 5 minutes sitting in a chair it isn't working again. So my chat up line has gone out the window 
OK, I walked down the back door steps on the way to the greenhouse and when I caught the top of my toe suddenly it worked again. Normal steps nothing but strange tap and it works