Sunday 18 September 2016

Oooh Morning

So we got up s'morning, hung about 'til David and Nora turned up, discussed where to then headed off to the National Botanic Gardens. I paid but they accepted my fee and 3 free accompaniers so wasn't 3 bad. Anyway we walked in and walked the whole way up the hill. I was nearly crying as there were no seats to rest on but I did it. Then we walked across the way to one food place and they said "Sorry, almost nowt as the freezer broke last night" so after a discussion we had to walk across the 500 yds to the other food place where we got food. By the time we were finished it was nearly time to go so D&N walked down to get a lft while I went to the loo. By the time I was finished they were nearly back up with the big cart to take us all back down and we walked out and back to the car. They took their car off and we came home for bath&nap then we will meet them later
I did very well, walking for fscking miles but I was too preoccupied with looking where to put my next foot to actually admire plants from all over the world. AND Nora said how much thinner I am than when she last saw me some months ago