Saturday 17 September 2016

Ready And....

So I am waiting patiently ATM. My big brother and his missus are coming into town just tonight 'til Monday first thing, they couldn't get an earlier flight, so we are driving over to meet them at their hotel in Llanelli tonight
Heading off in a bit...
And we did it. Well that was nice, a nice night was spent. We have come home now and they are going to come here in't morning, gord nose what we shall do.
It was a bit scary walking down the stairs out, Timmy dropped me at hotel then took the car away when we arrived but there was no way to bring the car in as we were leaving, I had to head for the stairs, but it was much easier walking down the stairs than it was walking on the uneven surface before that. Walking in the dark made it harder too but left/right/left/right down the stairs
But looking at the picture, by gord that's a long flight of stairs. No problem it was