Friday 25 November 2016

Unbearably Proud

So s'afternoon my and RoyGBiv headed into The Range to just buy some superglue which I am sure was in all the supermarkets but we fancied somewhere different. So we got there, asked a MOS whereabouts to look, she said "Upstairs...... or there is a lift around the back" as she caught site of me looking at the escalator. Roy headed off towards the lift then came back most quickly as I was looking at the escalator. I looked some more then just thought "Do it" and went and climbed on. That was fine but by the time I got to half way I was panicking about the other end but when it came it was no problem. Step and immediately let go which felt all wrong but as I no longer need to hold anything it is actually right
When we found what we were looking for we came back down and this time I had handed my camera to Roy to catch the important event