Thursday 1 December 2016


Then s'afternoon we popped down to a very posh, newish, amusement place in Swansea. As well as what we were doing there were chase your kids thru kind of things, a swimming pool, lots of tennis/badminton courts and some boccia aisles. As I had never been before I didn't know what to expect. Basically a target ball is thrown out by one of the players then each team has 8 coloured balls to throw as close as poss. So each team can consist of 1, 2, 3 or 4 members, ours were 4 so we each had 2 balls to throw. Strangely enough the whole team has to sit down to bowl, which as we had a few wheelchair bound players made it work for them.
So I decided to use my right arm for bowling. The first ball I threw landed about 2 inches away from the target and was winning until the opponents last bowl hit it away. We did lose big style but...... So when we were leaving someone said "Tea and cake?" but I had to say no, if I stayed I would have a cake and I am on a diet
And incidentally me & Timmy had lunch there before the others arrived and it was a bit nice, just had a cheese and pickle sandwich but it was thick and lovely. The other players ate @ home before coming but we had to travel so far......