Monday 2 January 2017

Out For Lunch

And me and MM are going out for lunch today with Brian, Julia's Dad which will be nice.
No, I misunderstood, it was Brian & Rita, Julia's parents. I was still in my wheelchair when I last saw them both so it was nice to walk out to see them.
It was a bit odd seeing them as they saw me within a few days of my crash, when all the medical staff said I was fscked. How wrong can they be, but it brought some unpleasant memories. Still we had a lovely meal in Wetherspoons on King St, I had a veggie version of a Beef Wellington which was lovely, not one of these pretend meat dishes they serve some places
But when we stood up to leave I said "I will go and pay" (trying to be impressive) but they said "We had to pay when we ordered". Och well, see if I am feeling so generous next time I see them