Saturday 18 March 2017


So s'morning me and GGtGG need to go to B&Q and pick up a new lawnmower and strimmer. Just a cheap electrical two, which I will have to pay for from my account, not Petty Cash. Then we will go and drop them off at a "renew accessories" place where hopefully they can give them a useful second life and we need to drop a pair of trews off at a "send them to a poor country" place, I had this on my list as "charity shop" but someone was a bit scathing and said "As you are out......"
Well we just popped to Oxfam to donate my stuff and then headed to B&Q. There we got a pre displayed mower that was half price, so quite good buying I think. GGtGG announced when we were half way there that he thinks he has 2 strimmers given to him by dead relatives so he will hopefully bring one in next time he is working, if he doesn't it's back to B&Q next weekend