Tuesday 2 May 2017


So s'afternoon we have to pop to Pil to see Sara the Physio.
And I do need to ask her where to buy more groovy coloured walking sticks as mine is starting to wear and the NHS grey ones look a bit too sad for someone in my position
Well knackered. She (as well as looking wonderful) got me on the treadmill thingy. I walked for .91 of a km in half an hour (which is still well slow but almost twice as quick as last time she measured me. Then I did some walking sideways and walking backwards, some directions were much harder but I managed all directions without holding on too. Then we did a walking uphill exercise where I was walking at 11% up and I managed 15 minutes of that. For some of it I was walking faster and more uphill. So I think next time I will practice walking downhill too, but that is harder
And she did say re walking stick that she can't get one for me and this buying online is a nightmare but check out the mobility shop in Carmarthen so I will

And my phone recognised where we were passing then where we were