Tuesday 18 July 2017

Everyone Meeting

So I am waiting here for a "team meeting" s'morning where everyone is coming here to get together and slag me off to Denyse etc
Right. So first of all I had to sit around while they did this "meeting" mularkey. Then when I expected Denyse to say "Garage" she had to go and do a "bosses" type of meeting with Timmy while I had my lunch
Then we popped off down to the Toyota garage, me, Roy my driver and Denyse and Timmy. We had a look at the cars then Timmy went home and me and Denyse and Roy said "Test drive" to one of the workers and we took out both kinds of car and went uphill and around town with Roy driving
It was a bit odd but after that I think I prefer the cheaper car, although if we do chose that we will have to see how it's fitted out, CD player/Radio etc. I think me and Timmy are gonna head down on Sat and order the car when Denyse has got some bits of paper etc
BUT she did say that perhaps we will be able to "just having cream on my washed legs" once a day, in the afternoon which I am very pleased about. Still "needs" the afternoon which I am not to happy about but it is better