Monday 10 July 2017

What A Day #27

Well, s'morning we didn't have much to do, had an early lunch then headed off to Headway Neath for a couple of hours, came back, bathed etc then the chap arrived and delivered the new PC for the bedroom but I was busy cooking, so we ate and then me and MM came into the bedroom and started setting up the second hand PC. It all went well except my keyboard had an old fashioned connection so we nipped to Tesco to buy a new keyboard. Which we did, it didn't cost too much then we came back and got it all plugged in etc. We got it working, connected to my webpage but MM can't get the CD's in the outside HDD to play. So we plugged in a physical CD, got that working so it will do for tonight. Timmy the expert is in tomorrow so he can plug it in properly
Aargh, the PC turns itself back on afterwards. No matter how I switch it off......