Thursday 6 July 2017

What A Morning

So first of all s'morning me and Timmy had to head for the Drs to get my inhaler and a new cream. Fairy nuff except when we were finished I walked towards the door but Timmy had headed for the shortcut to the chemist. Oh yes, that way......
Then we had to head to Carri Iechyd Da to fetch my organic delivery. First time we went down King St someone in front of us nicked the parking space but second time around someone was coming out of a much closer parking space so we got that. I had to tell them that I will be late next week as we have to head to the hospital in't morning but that was done
Then we popped off to Morrisons and just about got everything, they were well short of organic milk but I found a big one with just about the right date on it
Then before lunch we headed to gym where I did 20 minutes on a rowing machine