Thursday 31 August 2017

Thursday AM


So we have another busy Thursday morning, to Iechyd Da for the organic veg, to Morrisons for the rest of my shopping, then do some exercise
Then s'evening we are back to Iechyd Da for a Folk Night (noisy)
(Double Sigh) 
Well me and Timmy headed into town, it took 3 goes up King St before we found a parking space, we did Iechyd Da and said "See ya later" to the staff there, went Morrisons-ing and did that too. So we came back, put shopping away etc then I said "Timmy, gym?". Today I was directed to a rowing machine, the type that I couldn't use at all last week and today my ar*e let me do 2.1km so a lot better. Still not best but better