Thursday 9 November 2017

What A Morning

So first of all me and Timmy set off about 25 to 9 heading for the Drs. As the traffic is so heavy at that time of day we arrived at 5 to, just in time. So we had my blood taken then queued up again to see if anyone was free to jab me, instead of sitting there for an hour, which there were so she stuck a needle in my arse
Actually I was rather impressed with how steady of the hand both injectors were today, it didn't hurt too much
Then we popped to Iechyd Da where I bought Timmy a coffee as we had to wait 10 minutes for the deliverer to arrive. As it had messed up the timing, going to the docs so early
Then we popped to Morrison's where I bought the rest. They had changed the na'an bread for pizza again, but I think we bought a successful result