Monday 4 December 2017



So we have an early lunch today then go to the Waterworks AquaAerobics session s'afternoon.
But first we need to pop to the chemist next door to the Drs to pick up my Sockings that I left the script for there on Friday.
And then come back and take off my FES device ready to go swimming etc
D'ugh, we don't have an early lunch today. Just make sure it is on the first of my normal lunch times, the Waterworks session isn't until after 2.45 today so.......

And it was a bit odd at the Chemist s'morning, picking up my
sockings. When we got there the delivery lorry had just been
so they had to find it and sort it out etc before I could have it

OK, that was as hard a work session than it was before but as I feel that I could do some exercises for the first time it is doing me some good so it is worth it. Only ¾ of an hour but she works us