Friday 22 December 2017

Strange Exercise/Play

So as RoyGBiv said "You are still a bit poorly today" so we set out for a long walk instead of going gymwards. Started off on Blue St just where it turns into town, parked there, headed down past M&S along The Mount then uphill along Jackson's Lane to King St. There we popped into a charity shop where the MOS was most complimentary about my eye patch especially when I told him the "Why" story. Then we walked back down punishment hill to the car. It took ages, I didn't look at my watch and it was much too late when we got back. I leapt into bath/bed for a bit then got up thinking "Gord, Roy is gonna be well hungry by the time I have baked spuds" but then it occurred to me, it is chips Friday which we had with two halfs of a big french style naan bread pizza. Which was delicious but not too big. A small bowl of oven chips and that as I am on a diet