Thursday 21 December 2017

What A Morning

So first of all we popped to Iechyd Da to pick up a much larger than usual order as they are not supplying there next week. Timmy was delighted at the extra carrying, especially as I can't walk back to the car very fast.
Anyway dun that then to Morrisons for milk etc
THEN we tried the gym as I have had a few days off. It was OK, I did the rowing tool, I think I took about a minute longer than last time but not too bad
Then we had a late lunch and did early washing up as we are popping back to Iechyd Da for their Xmas do tonight
Oh yes, while we were in More Reasons To Shop At.... s'morning I got a few bottles of wine as the kids who are *grown*up*now* are coming over at the weekend. It is sitting in the kitchen crying out to me but no, it's not for now