Thursday 1 February 2018

Thursday Morning At 5 O'Clock

No, the reference I was trying for is Wednesday (noisy link) but we have the usual Thursday morning business. To Iechyd Da, MoreReasonsToShopAt.... then to gym then pant etc
Well first of all I was tapping my fingers while Timmy and GGtGG were spending much too much time doing the handover but eventually Timmy was free to put on my FES and drive me to town. We got stuck behind a delivery van on King St (he had to stop 3 times to make different deliveries) but that did mean there was a parking space clear. So Timmy carried my food back to the car and we headed off Morrison-wards. Again that went well and all was done (including organic tinned tomatoes, there were none in my org order).
 Then we came home and I put it away then we headed gym-wards and I got stuck into a rowing machine and did 3¼ km as usual. Then came home and had a late lunch and a late nap