Tuesday 15 May 2018


The phone rang at about four minutes past nine s'morning and I thought "Is that the plumber?", picked it up and said "Hello" and a woman with a very thick foreign accent said "Can I speak to the homeowner, please?" I didn't even reply, just hung straight up
Then a couple of hours later I was thinking "Where is he?" and he just pulled up, outside, no phone call etc. He did a couple of hours work then fscked off. I turned the tap on and it ran hot for about a second then ran cold. 
So MM had to phone him again, we had a direct number, he came back, did about 20 seconds work with a screwdriver and it all works now. The hot bath is happening again and we didn't have time to go to the gym first.
Well "someone" said to me today that when the bill arrives "they" will pay half from Staff PC and I can pay the other half