Saturday 30 June 2018

Helena's Advice

And I took myself out for a walk down the footpath to the left of my house s'morning. I had no FES on but was trying to take Helena'a advice about bending my knee rather than my hip and for the whole couple of hundred yards of my walk both my feet stayed flat and level. This is just a wow in the extreme, my right foot used to be hitting the ground at 45° sideways at it's worst.
And I went out for another walk s'morning. It feels really odd. For some years I have been trying to lift my leg at the hip, but actually as Helena said to do it, it feel so wrong and low, but I just swing my knee forward and pick up my toes. It just feels all wrong compared with how I have been trying to RElearn how to do it, but my right foot stays flat and it feels more stable/better etc. Aargh, learning......
BUT by fark but it is easy to forget what I am doing and start to get it all wrong. Carrying stuff or any other distraction and it goes back to "my traditional" style. I have got to change what my brain thinks is traditional.....