Saturday 2 June 2018

What A Day #1

So first of all today we headed down past the railway station to "things for the house" shops, in the end we had to go to 3 of them but we found some organic feed your tomatoes juice, some weed killer powder which we mix with water and another green watering can so we can keep the red one which we already owned to just squirt weed killer out of
Then we went home and had lunch.
Then after lunch we went into town so GGtGG could take out of the bank some cash to use tonight, pay to get in.
Then I had bath and nap etc
Then GGtGG did much scraping and spraying weed killer around the front garden so hopefully it will look better tomorrow
I also downloaded a recipe for harmless weed killer so once we have finished this packet we will try making some
Then as it had taken so long doing stuff and we had a deadline for after dinner we didn't have time for baked spuds some had that "usual" veg and lentil stuff with pasta instead and it was actually rather pleasant. And I now now how to measure out 2 people's worth of pasta