Sunday, 31 October 2010
So my Dad is coming over on Tuesday because I have loadsa assessment meetings in the next few days, but every Tuesday Freya comes to visit. I talked to her on't phone today and told her, she said "Good, yes, great, we can all go out for dinner as long as I am back by 6pm"
So as it's day shortening I had to get up, I reset the clock by my bed, the computer had done it automatically so that only left my watch. I read the instructions, there is analogue and digital. Luckily in my usual settings I can only see the analogue because I was able to set that right, dunno about digital but I usually can't see that so.....
Saturday, 30 October 2010
And I had a strange conversation along the lives of "It's tonight", "No, it's tomorrow", "No, it's tonight". So I checked online and he was right, the clocks are going back in a couple of hours
New Camera
So this morning I walked into my kitchen, I was opening the muesli &c when my phone rang. It was a deliverer chap, his SATNAV couldn't find this place. I told him as best I could. In 10 mins he phoned me back while I had an assistant, so I gave my phone to the worker and said "Tell him"
In the end the deliverer found here and delivered my new camera.
So phew I can work it pretty much already although I will have to read about video &c tonight
In the end the deliverer found here and delivered my new camera.
So phew I can work it pretty much already although I will have to read about video &c tonight
But when I had plugged it into my PC I couldn't find the power lead. I panicked for a minute then called a MOS. He looked in the boxes &c, couldn't find it. I said this was a new lead but it plugged my cam into my PC, he looked at it and said "This is your power lead too, and unplugged it from there, plugged it into the plug and it is now charging my batteryAnd I haven't paid for it yet!!!
And how powerful is it?
Friday, 29 October 2010
So, I got bored reading Dirk 'cos it's taking me too long, I only read for half an hour each day and it is going to take me months. So I bought a new book, a series of quicker reads
Aargh, my precious son that I haven't seen for months came to visit me today, the handsome chap who won't let me take a photo with my substitute camera
Toby (Later)
Mmmm, so yesterday Toby said he would be here in't morning, I just phoned and said "Where are you" he said "Ah, I slept in, just cooking lunch, c u in a bit"
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Carrying It With My Right Arm

Good lord, that was scary. Loadsa new stuff, carrying summat in my right hand while walking on an uneven surface etc. But I managed!!!
I had a delivery (well, the postman brought it) some sweets this morning. It contained amongst other stuff some Drum Sticks. Which are delicious but as I was exploring on that Interweb as I am bored they contain gelatin. So those of us holier than though veggies should send 'em back or throw 'em away. I used to eat them in the past before I had so much time on my hands so perhaps now I know not to buy any more
Up and At 'Em
Well I got up and walked past my 'chair into the kitchen. I will hopefully continue walking until 6PM tonight when the taxi is coming to take me to Iechyd Da
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
And I nearly plucked up the courage to pay for someone to cut my hair, but I was nearly crying at the thought of actually paying for summat when a woman who works here cut it. Before nagging me about the state of my flat, but we are all happy now
Well I spent some of my Mobility Allowance on a Taxi to Wilkinsons in Carmarthen where I bought the 2nd Halloween Mask I had chosen. The first, luckily I was wearing it to the till and it hurt my nose, so I had to go back and chose another
And I noticed later... on the price sticker of my mask it said £3.75. But on my debit card I only paid £1.74. So dunno, I don't s'pose I will be back so....
Well, I got up and into my 'chair this morning, resting day not. I woke up and thought "I hope my PC is fixed now, I had no emails yesterday". As I was getting my breakfast I was kind of thinking "WTF" but when I was using my PC there was proof, I must have been having a scary dream, I did get emails yesterday. Scary dream, who knows
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
And I have noticed recently that when I walk my right arm is no longer holding itself out in front like it used to
Walking Well
For a start I am not as scared as I was at this time yesterday, dunno why.
And when Freya went home today I started to take her chair back into the kitchen where it lives mostly. I was walking pushing a chair and I thought "No" as it was slow and noisy. So I reached down, picked the chair up in both hands and walked the rest of the way, about 10 paces, with my chair held up
And when Freya went home today I started to take her chair back into the kitchen where it lives mostly. I was walking pushing a chair and I thought "No" as it was slow and noisy. So I reached down, picked the chair up in both hands and walked the rest of the way, about 10 paces, with my chair held up
So today, for a start, I have been walking everywhere, including making Freya's lunch as it is half term for her so she was here earlier today. Amongst other stuff we played loadsa games of cards, which I think I won more of but it was close. And she was being a bit naughty today too. Then when she had gone I walked back into the kitchen and made a small dinner as we had so much cooked lunch.
Monday, 25 October 2010
Walking Yesterday
And I have just had a conference with a MOS telling him that yesterday I was really glad to be getting on my 'chair at shower time, it felt that walking was too hard. He just said "A day off, hopefully it will be back to normal tomorrow" so (shrug)
And this morning I went and did a weeks shopping at (More Reasons To Shop At) Morrisons even buying summat that wasn't on my list today
But tonight I went to cook a Veggie Sausage and I have none left, I have a Linda McCartney Lasagne which I mistook for a packet of sausages
Sunday, 24 October 2010
So my wheelchair has been sitting next to my bed all day, and my walking stick is on the back of it. Earlier on I got out my clothes to put on after showering later etc. I will continue walking 'til I have done the dishes etc this evening then I will take my wheel-chair into the bathroom and shower this evening
Still walking 1PM nowAfter 4.30PM now so I shall have to walk in and make my dinner soon
And it is 5.40PM now and I walked in, walked around while I was preparing, carried ot out on my own two feet and stayed walking while I did my washing up etc8.35PM still walking
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Full Bottom
And yes, I may have used a witty phrase to mean summat else, I don't have a Full Bottom either, I went and had a poo about 30 minutes ago
So I wanted to print out my shopping list today. But I am too tight to waste a big piece of paper when only about ¼ will be used printing. So I got a piece of paper that was the remains of last weeks printing, only ¾ of a sheet of paper and carefully fed it into the printer and pressed "Print". I waited 30 seconds and there it was printed on the top of the paper which didn't have a full bottom
Healthy, Wealthy, Wise
So last night I went to bed about 11.30. This morning I woke up at 7.00AM and lay there bored until 8.15AM when I got up
Friday, 22 October 2010
Well I went out tonight to The Friends Arms, Johnstown, but tonight I didn't drink pints and Whiskey Macs so my drinking was much slower and I am not drunk as a lord tonight like I was last time I went
So ever since I got up this morning I have been walking, standing or sitting in a proper chair. My wheel-chair is still next to my bed
It's 3.05 PM now, still walkingToday I managed to walk to the airing cupboard then walk with an armful to put it all away
I also managed to walk into the kitchen and prepare tonight's dinner, grating, chopping up an onion &c, all it needs now is putting into the oven later4.30PM now...
5.10PM now, I am heating my dinnerAnd it was delicious and it is 6.10PM now and I am still walking
6.30PM. I am back in my wheel-chair now as walking was proving a bit scary
Up And At 'Em
So I eventually got up at about 7.50AM s'morning. Having been awake enough to look at my clock at 3.30 and 5.30AM too
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Cleaning Your Dryer
So today I did some tumble drying, afterwards I cleaned out the dryer, emptying the water out of it and cleaning the dust off it's filter etc. Then I thought "Oh", down at the bottom of where the filter fits there was a load of dust that I couldn't reach. I was stuck. So I asked a MOS and he said "Everyone's dryer looks like this - your stuck". So I thought "If only I had a device that could reach it.... HANG ON, I have", got it out and cleaned the dust off my tumble drier
So today I had a Brainwave just as I was about to lift my lunch. Usually I have a sandwich followed by salad, today I just made salad sandwiches, no peanut butter, jam, honey etc
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Veggie Burgers
So I walked into the kitchen to try and make veggie burgers for dinner but it all went wonky and had to be thrown away.
So when my sister was here t'other day I said "Please can't you be my "boss" any more and give me control of my own cash, once I get some from the court, please?". She said "Nah, I might be in charge on paper, but actually the court and various social workers are in charge of your cash"
Well I got up this morning at 7.30AM, got dressed etc and walked into the kitchen to make my breakfast.
Still walking at 11.30AM now...And I walked into the kitchen and made my own lunch...
3.45PM, still walking...5.25PM still on my own two feet...
It's after 6PM now, I walked into the kitchen, made my dinner, walked back, ate it and then did the washing up etc on my own 3 feet.Now I need to wheel' in order to put out my bins etc which I can't walk there and back up the hill while carrying summat
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
And I used the last of last weeks (frozen last night) tomatoey and veg sauce to prepare a Lasagne for me and Freya this evening. It was the first time in 7½ years where I actually boiled the Lasagne sheets before putting them in the mixture, as recommended, so hopefully it will be extra delicious tonight
Mmmm, it was beautiful. And so was Freya even tho she had to leave early today, with some of my cash for a busfare
Monday, 18 October 2010
What A Day
Good lord, what a day. So this morning a woman who is assessing me, called Janet McClean, came to see me and talk no end together. When I objected to one piece of what she was writing down she said "No, the more stuff I say you need the bigger your claim will be." So fairy nuff really. She was sensible etc
Then we (me, my sister and her husband) went out for lunch. We went to Waverley's Cafe but they had finished serving lunch so we went exploring. In the end we found Caban Y Dderwen and it was absolutely lovely
Then we went to Morrisons and did my weeks shopping.
Then we (me, my sister and her husband) went out for lunch. We went to Waverley's Cafe but they had finished serving lunch so we went exploring. In the end we found Caban Y Dderwen and it was absolutely lovely
Then we went to Morrisons and did my weeks shopping.
Sunday, 17 October 2010
And we went and had a really good tea at Wetherspoons. They were just about to cease the Sunday Roast when we got there, just in time we got there and it was very nice. Tomorrow the person is coming to see me in the morning, then in the afternoon they can take me shopping (and save me a taxi fare) then probably to the same place for tea then Tues AM they are going home
And we walked there from the car, took ages having tea (and pudding, for some of us), then walked back to the car and came home and it was only then I needed a pee, obviously something is getting better
In The Air
My sister and her husband are in the air coming here
They have just landed27 miles to Carmarthen now
Saturday, 16 October 2010
So I got up about 10 to 8 s'morning, got dressed etc, then walked around my bedroom, took the covers off my bed on foot, walked to the kitchen carrying that basket in my right hand, put it on to wash etc. I suspect that I will have to sit down in order to make my bed but we shall see
I carried the stuff into my bedroom on foot but had to sit down to do the quilt cover. Which I had to ask a MOS to help, as my 1½ hands weren't working properly
Friday, 15 October 2010
2nd New Book
And I have just finished The Mouse And The Motorcycle which, while a much less serious book (OK a kids book) still made my grin and smile on the last few pages, a happy ending
And I thought to myself "What next?" afterwards and found a copy of Douglas Adams - "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" and I probably read it before but I have no memory, it seems like a good new book
Fixed It
And for the last 2 days I haven't been able to send txts, they haven't been going. So in desperation I asked a chap if he could take me to Tesco's(*) to ask them, he said "Why?" I told him and he said "Try this to fix it, it might fix it" and it flippin' did
(*) It is a Tesco's phone
(*) It is a Tesco's phone
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Right, it's about 10 to 9 and about 9.15 I am gonna sit in my wheelchair and take myself to the shower room
Phew did so, but I am remaining in my 'chair now because the last walk to it was far too much, I felt as rough as a..... So tomorrow I will rest in it then walk everywhere on Saturday again
And I finally figured out how to write a separate thingy under each picture. OK, it's not perfect yet but I am beginning to get the hang of Tables
And I have just walked into the kitchen and made tonight's dinner. OK, I will need to take it out of the fridge and cook it but I did all the preparing malarkey on my own two feet. OK, I need to wipe the shelves but I thought "No, sit down first"
I stood back up, wiped around while I was waiting for the oven to heat and it was delicious. But done standing up!!!
So I got up s'morning, walked past my 'chair and I have been walking ever since
Well someone came and delivered a big box of muesli which I had ordered. He knocked the door, I walked to answer, asked him to set the box just inside, had to bring my wheelchair, pick up the box and take it to the kitchen. I opened it and put my cereal away. Then I took my wheelchair back and started walking again
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Multi Talented (new pic)
Then today I had to use my new device, which had only opened big jars, to open a small bottle of wine
Usually for lunch I have 1 or 2 pieces of bread made into a sandwich and don't eat loads until dinner time. As today I had loads of Lasagna etc for lunch tonight I won't have as much dinner as I usually do, no oven chips
On the way back from Skanda Vale we stopped in Waverley Stores to have some lunch. I had to get up and walk through the doors to get in and then she went off to the back of the shop, where the restaurant is, with my wheelchair leaving my walking behind to catch up. There we had excellent food but I had to complain. Last night because Freya visited me I made some Lasagna for tea, then today I also had a Lasagna there, and theirs was nicer
Gosh that was hectic. After my early start today I went off in a taxi to meet up with Kelly. Who is the mother of one of Toby's friends which she said to me at the folk club t'other night when we arranged our day out. All together we went to a Multi Religious Centre at Skanda Vale, which I just enjoyed looking around while she felt the need to pray. It was a bit scary but I managed to walk up an enormous hill to the middle. From there it was more scary walking to see the Elephant etc so I didn't this time. If we had been on a different day they do talk wheelchair users all round on a "bus" but not today so I only saw about ⅛ of it but it was still worth a visit.
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Then later this afternoon a really charming and beautiful visitor came to see me. We had Lasagna and Oven Chips that I had made for tea and it was delicious. Lasagna still needs some work but hopefully next weeks will be even better.
After about 4.00 I sat in my wheelchair because I had loadsa cooking etc to do, but until then I had been on my own two feet
On my own two feet
But s'morning when I did get up I walked into the kitchen on my own two feet with no walking stick and ever since I have been standing. I also went outside and walked about 10 yards down the path to say summat to someone who was smoking in her car
Monday, 11 October 2010
Well I got up this morning and was half way through eating my breakfast when my alarm clock went off. Yes I was up in plenty of time, went to Morrisons, did my shopping, including a new fangled 2 litre bottle of milk.
Then tonight after I eat and do my washing up etc we are going to Headway and give them my raffle tickets that I have sold. (OK, I bought some and sold the rest)
Then tonight after I eat and do my washing up etc we are going to Headway and give them my raffle tickets that I have sold. (OK, I bought some and sold the rest)
Sunday, 10 October 2010
And at last I figured out how to put a red border on pics instead of the black one that was standard.
And I found a Webpage that tells me about moreAnd I did some more fiddling about
Saturday, 9 October 2010
From Scratch
And I made another Pizza for tea, which is a smidge radical but hopefully delicious
And it was delicious too
Friday, 8 October 2010
The Beatles
After dinner someone came to see me they said "Ticket to see "The Beatles" copy band at the lyric, £15.00", I said "No ta, I'm too tight to spend that much", she came back in 5 minutes and said "We have a spare ticket, you can have it for free" so I went along, and had an excellent night, I was standing up dancing in front of my wheelchair most of the second half. An excellent nights entertainment
Dinner Time
And I have made a Pizza without any mushrooms 'cos they went off, so I shall have that for tea in a bit
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Bite Your Lip
When I was in the dentist they said "Be careful you don't bite your lip as it is numb", I thought "No problem I didn't bite my lip last time", then later I found my teeth right in my lip, ah, I did bite it then. Oh, I can't wait until the numbness wears off and my f*c*in' lip hurts
And phew, it is feelable now and hurts a bit but not too much
Walkies For Now
So ever since I got out of bed this morning I have been walking, without a 'stick, but this afternoon when I go to the dentist I will be sitting in a wheelchair as I feel it is a bit too scary for on foot. Yet
And gosh but this walking is hard work but I need to practice and learn moreBut next time at dentist I won't need my wheelchair
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Then my phone rang this afternoon and Julia said "Can Freya come over today?", I said "Yes" and we had an excellent time.
Although again we didn't do much
And the postman came this morning with 2 parcels of stuff I had bought. 1 is a new bum bag in case this one gets more broken, it is still fit but 1 of the zips broke, there is another one there but.... And 2 was a load of sweets off A Sweetie Seller
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
And I think that so much happened today that I will stay sitting down in my wheelchair tomorrow
Mr Shuttleworth
And I had to spend ages in the company of Mr (or Dr) Shuttleworth tonight. He looked at my eyes, then under a very bright light, then after I had some dessicant put in etc. But it was a bit scary, now I know how f*cked my eyes are, I had been trying to make amends but whoops
And in the restaurant afterwards I had to ask someone to read the menu to me as my eyes were blurred but it seems to have settled down now to being in focus again
And we went out to the Waverley Stores in Carmarthen for a frankly delicious lunch. And I approve, it is vegetarian and mostly organic, just like me. I had to praise a member of staff when we left and she said "Thank you for sharing"
Monday, 4 October 2010
So I had a shower and didn't bother putting on my shoes afterwards. But good lord, my right foot feels all wrong, I think it needs the splint footwear to feel right, very odd
And just as I finished typing this the 'puter offered me an advert for shoes, which may have been in bad taste AFAIC
Out For Dinner
And we went out for dinner to their hotel tonight. We put my wheelchair in the boot but it stayed there, I walked from the car, across a bit, in through the door then thru the hotel to the dining room. When I sat down I was having a dinner which involved cutting with my right hand too
My Dad and Sister txtd me to say "See you later" I said "Why?" they said there was an eye Dr coming to see me tomorrow. I knew that, dunno why they felt the need to be here
I do now, this person isn't coming here to see me tomorrow they have got to take me to the hospital to see him tomorrow evening
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Big Steps
The song says "Getting better, a little better, every day" but today's process seemed like a big thing. I put my walking stick back on my 'chair because I can now walk everywhere in my flat with no help, no aids, nowt
Big Improvement In Walking
I was outside just now walking up and down without my 'stick and my right knee seems to be bending on every step now (or most of them), like it was supposed to and stopped years ago
And I am walking without my 'stick sometimes today
Aargh, someone knocked on my door then, I got up and used my walking stick as far as the door because I forgot. Afterwards I walked back from the front door to the living room with no stick.And I am now making my dinner without the aid of a 'stick. It is still on the settee opposite the kitchen door, I make the whole distance unaided
Now I am walking everywhere in my flat with no stick. I am walking everywhere with no stick. YES, I am getting better. It is difficult but easier than it was yesterday...
And I have received replies from loadsa folk today (on which I am quite pleased about because it implies that folk are reading my mail, I am not just being killfiled
And when I got up early s'morning I walked with no walking stick to the loo. Perhaps it is a half dozen steps but progress
Early To Bed, Early To Rise....
So I went to bed last night at about 11.30 and pretty much went straight to sleep. So this morning I woke up at 5.30 (grumble)
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Cut Toe Nails
And I had to have some help cutting my toenails today. I tried first and couldn't manage. Now as this is about the only thing that I need help with I asked who will cut my toenails after I leave. She said that I will be referred to a podiatrist, or a chiropractor, hopefully they will help
And I managed to completely change my bed this morning. It is still a novelty not having to ask for help but....
So yesterday I was not in my wheelchair at all, I was walking everywhere all the time!!! (So I am resting in it today) Last night I couldn't get to sleep for ages (so I did get up and was walking barefooted for a while) but eventually I did drop off. Then this morning I woke up, thought "Morning", prepared to get up, looked at my clock and it still said "03.15" so I had to try and go back to sleep
I have just found summat dated 010810 saying I walked all day then but I suspect I had my wheelchair back in the evening then, unlike last nightWell I feel well rested now after 'chairing all day but tomorrow I will walk again which fits in with going to the shops on Monday, chairing then
Mmmm, chairing to Morrisons, well perhaps I could manage it on foot but I am scared, and there might not be a seat to rest on.
Friday, 1 October 2010
Barefoot Walkies
So tonight I couldn't get to sleep so I got back up and walked back here. It feels really strange walking without my splint on
And so even tho I had some oven chips (which aren't that fattening) for dinner I only had one Linda McCartney sausage, as I am on a diet
Better All The Time
Just now I was sat in a proper chair about to stand up. I started to lean forward to grip the table then I thought "No need", simply stretched and stood up with no arm involvement. It was the first time in how long?
More Getting Better
And when I am walking ATM I have to concentrate less on keeping my right hand down, it finally seems to be getting the message
Summat had a mention of the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster in 2003. I had forgotten but good lord, I have looked and bad luck.
And I met Moishe Bagel at the Folk Club last night who was a friend of mine 10 years ago or so. Amongst the rest of our conversation she said that it f*cked up Julia's head badly when I had my accident, she wasn't really looking after the kids (my kids too!!) for a number of years afterwards etc. Because she did love me very much. Which I found upsetting but reassuring too, it was the first time I have been reassured that Julia did love me. So yes it is upsetting but it makes Julia's decision to get a life of her own a bit more understandable.
At least I know that I wasn't fooling myself tho.....
At least I know that I wasn't fooling myself tho.....
So I woke up s'morning and walked from my bedroom to the kitchen..... and everything since. It's only 10.15AM now but I am still not in my wheelchair
At 11.05 I walk over to have my coffee1.10PM now, still walking
3.30 now, still....6PM now, still walking, prepared dinner, did the washing up etc from my feet. Still not sitting in my wheelchair
7.15 now, still walking21.00 now, still walking, I suspect this is the latest in about 7½ years...
Off to bed now as I am so exhausted by walking, everywhere, all day, my 'chair is still sitting by my bed
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