Wednesday 31 August 2011


And this evening I am demolishing a small packet of Yoghurt Coated Raisins and good lord, they are much nicer than the hard Yoghurt Coated Banana I tried last week


Then that gorgeous Freya came over, did my head in for a bit but we made friends again in the end


So I panicked a bit and thought "Oh, it isn't actually my car that I have the keys to" so I filled in an online form to Ceir Cawdor Cars and said "I have got some stickers, can I put them on the car?". Later my phone rang, someone said "Hello, this is *** ***** from Ceir Cawdor Cars and yes, no problem, stick stickers and decorate it"
I spent all day waiting for someone to help then eventually got stuck in by myself with a bucket and a sponge and it's done now


So I was sitting on the loo this morning doing a(n enormous) pooh and for some reason I thought 'Bet someone knocks the door'. But no-one did knock, I did my pooh, wiped my bum, stood up, pulled my pants and trousers up, left the bathroom and someone knocked on the door about 30 seconds later. Phew they weren't 1 minute earlier

Tuesday 30 August 2011


And I was gonna watch the news tonight, so I switched on my telly 15 minutes before the None O'Clock News at 10pm tonight, there was just the end of "Harry's Arctic Heroes" and watching that "four disabled Afghanistan veterans" finished their walk to the North Pole. Incredible it was, eg missing a leg etc and walking to the North Pole


And I now own a tin of soup which I bought on Monday for eating after the dentist but as my gob doesn't hurt at all I will have it for lunch one day soon and eat proper food for tea tonight
And I did have proper food for tea and ate it with no issues coming from my teeth at all. Hoo-flippin'-ray

Oodles of Paul-ing

So first of all that Paul came here and caught up on his paperwork. Then he took me to the Dentist, which was a bit scary. He redone my temporary filling and said he will look at X-ray etc and decide whether to pull it out or not before next time. But it is already so much better. Then we said "Why haven't I had my repeat appointment?" but they said it was because my main dentist was still off sick and everything has been thrown sideways by that. Then Paul brought me back here where I had a cuppa and a snack bar for my lunch, and it didn't hurt to eat it which made me smile. I also think now that I will have to arrange an appointment with a private dentist and claim the cash back off my claim so me and Paul went out and drove 15 miles to Whitland to see abother dentist which is stated as having wheelchair access. But on the way to Whitland I used Nokia Maps on my mobile phone to find the way


And I got a scary letter this morning saying that as I now have employees and I hadn't done summat that they asked so I therefore owe them loadsa cash. I forwarded a copy to Denyse and she replied "Ah, send it to these people" so I posted the original to them

Double Aha

So after my fixing it solution yesterdays post with 2 links in it was correctly underlined and 'target=" with no extra typing from me


So I may have nodded off after 2.30 AM but I still awoke and got up at about 7

Monday 29 August 2011


So first of all I went shopping with Paul, we got the stuff that was on my list. Then we went off for dinner. We had half a plan to head to Swansea to go Folk Clubbing but the roads were way too busy, so we had another drink and some pudding which was nice. But I feel like an overweight boyo now

There's hope for 'Us cripples'

And I am watching the IAAF World athletics Championship on the telly right now and there was one chap, just one, in the 400m race with no legs racing against the others. Incredi-flippin'-ble


And Ed who usually does my Monday morning trip to the shops is off today so Paul, my other worker, is coming in this afternoon to take me out

Monday, bloody Monday

Right, on reflection I only slept about 4 hours and still woke up early s'morning
(Sleep - who needs it?)

Sunday 28 August 2011


And I cooked some food this afternoon, a Tomato thingy which I haven't cooked the pasta for yet as Toby hasn't arrived yet, but he is coming here for tea later
And he did come for tea, it was good, he looked well, seemed happy etc etc
And he is starting college on Monday week, A levels are us


And I finally made Blogger underline links without me having to add link text to the link
And then, more exploring, I made it automatically put a 'target=_blank' bit that again I was bored typing it on every link, now I just put the link in. Alone, all by itself and it automatically does it


And I watched Last Of The Summer Wine on some old programs TV channel


Well I had my breakfast eventually, after a pooh and a shave

More Hosing

This morning it was beautiful and clear with a hosed ground/car, like last week

Saturday 27 August 2011


And I finally managed to lick the bit of food that had been stuck in the (my dentistry isn't finished) cavity between my teeth at lunchtime after I had switched on the oven to cook my dinner


And I had to look online and check the opening hours of the shop on Monday, it's a bank holiday apparently

What's on telly?

So this morning I explored a bit about my remote control and clicked "Music" and good lord, there's loadsa concerts etc that are not in BBC1 or 2 listings etc. This morning I was watching/listening to The Corrs at the Royal Albert Hall
And.... (dribble, dribble, dribble)

Friday 26 August 2011

Bang, bang, chop, chop......(1)

What a day of it. First of all Paul came and talked for 1/2 an hour then we went out to meet the gym instructor at the gym. She had to go off somewhere today so we were mmet by a different instructor (Who had a very nice looking pierced tongue) who talked it over with me and filled in the rest of the notes that someone else hadn't taken about me. In the end we agreed that I will go back to the gym and have 1 on 1 instruction from a MOS, no classes which is good.

Then after lunch we headed off to Carmel where 99% of the gates were clear but one, just one, had about a million tonnes of rubbish that someone had dumped.

Lastly we went to Waverley Stores and got loadsa organic shopping and they looked in the book and tried to find stronger Organic Coffee for me

(1) Busy, busy, work, work


As I am bored with this morning I looked up programs that were recommended to me t'other night and I am currently watching Qi which is rather good

Thursday 25 August 2011

Out To Play

And we are going out to play at Iechyd Da Folk Club tonight, on the way we will stop at Toby's house and pick him up and take him too
And it was relatively cool, I didn't know what to say to Toby but we both seemed to have a goof time

Lunch time

Then we went out and had a lunch in Morrison's store café. I wanted to go shopping afterwards but I don't need anything so I didn't


So this morning Denyse, Ann and Keith Lewis, my new social worker, came in to discuss who is paying for my care. Mr social worker is coming back in a fortnight (and Denyse) to assess me (whatever that might mean). I think it went well, they seemed to be not contradicting me etc

Alarm Clock

So I went to bed last night, thought "I'd better just check my alarm clock" and tried pushing all kinds of buttons on my watch. It is harder because that involves my right hand. After hours of pushing buttons I wasn't sure, I thought it might not be set but didn't know what to do. This morning I woke up as the alarm clock on my mobile phone had been set by me before this last night, that's what I should have been checking

Wednesday 24 August 2011


So I am watching telly again tonight
And I watched another program later


Then I was outside today and a MOS from across the road was flying a remote control mini-helicopter for one of the clients. It needed charging but still flew about 20 ft up in the air.
I had newer seen one before, I didn't know that they existed

Extra Ed-ding

Then today I had a morning session with Ed as Paul is in hospital having some (minor apparently) treatment. So he came here, did some paperwork, some hoovering then he went into the kitchen to hide as Linda Smith the chiropodist that I had phoned to make an appointment came round and cut my toenails. Then we actually watched some less then a week old comedy on iPlayer, which seemed fun but really unusual for me

Tuesday 23 August 2011


This morning I was bored then Denyse came in to tell me about the meeting they had just had(1) about me, about how it is working out for me, and about how she is coming on Thursday morning with my social worker, who afterwards hopefully my claim comes thru

(1) Instead of having the meeting here like they did last time as it was too hectic, I couldn't remember

Then Sarah the OT who helped me cook a meal for my visitors. One of whom didn't come as I was moaning about having to cook for all 3 folk

THEN my visitor came in, my daughter, and it was lovely

Monday 22 August 2011


So I went shopping with Ed s'morning, did it and brought my shopping back. Then we went off to try my A4067 route back, which turned out to be wrong, unknown to me and heading for Liverpool or somewhere via the Brecon Beacons


And it was an excellent night at the folk club, miles away tonight

Sunday 21 August 2011


So I was outside tonight, I thought "That's very big for a blackbird", looked more as it came closer and realised it was yellow. I think I saw an Eagle

(More) Tra la la

That Toby chap is on his way, well not yet, he is coming over, walking from his house, later today
And it was cool, he was here for a couple of hours, are the pizza that I had made then set off home. It was easy.
And he did thank me for greeting him "Hello first born son"

Saturday 20 August 2011


And I got my right hand and my left hand on my hairband and was able to tighten it tonight.
For the first time in years, I was able to get my right hand on last night but I didn't tighten it then

Tra la la

Today I am watching rugby(1) on Telly and that Sam chap is on his way

(1) And that Wales beat Argentina

And that Sam chap came and had tea. It was strange, I didn't feel like I was on show or looking at him, we were just together which was nice. We talked a bit, he is gonna cum next week at some point too, it was nice to see him and try to begin to catch up

Friday 19 August 2011


And I tried to reach my pony tail with my right hand tonight. It felt like, after some movement/stretches, my left hand could feel my right hand about a cm away from my pony tail
And on Saturday AM I have just managed to hold my "hair coming out of my bobble" with my right hand. For the first time in over 8 years!!!


And they weighed me again today, they said they didn't expect me to have lost much as I am not exercising but they were wrong


Then after the doctor's we went shopping, to Waverley Stores where we bought most of the weeks groceries


Then Paul came in. He did some paperwork first as we had time, then felt my right leg. He wasn't satisfied with it so we went off to the Doctor's. The Dr looked at it and just said "No, it is because you are not using it much, there is no problem" So there you are

No Neil

So last night when I went to bed I was trying to plug in my camera, couldn't. This morning I tried it again with fresh eyes, still couldn't. So I buzzed for a MOS to help, she looked at my camera, looked at the wire, then said "This is for a mobile phone, it sez Nokia on it".

Duh, I put my camera away and plugged in my mobile phone that I was supposed to plug in last night

Thursday 18 August 2011


Then after dinner I started watching telly, on anytime. I am watching a program Panorama about the riots in England last week. Scary stuff


So I had bad toothache again today, I am still waiting for the dentist to give me another appointment so I went into Boots this morning and bought some Orajel which is brilliant, I have so far used it 3 times and I didn't feel any toothache when eating dinner. So yes, money well spent


So Ed came round this morning, did some paperwork then we headed off in't car to Supermarket, where a) I took £50.00 out for petty cash and b) bought some stamps which meant that some of my petty cash was returned to me. He hung about, went outside while I was eating lunch etc. We went out again after lunch just for fun. It wasn't a "WRITE ABOUT THIS" kind of day but it was a pleasant few hours.

Wednesday 17 August 2011


And at the shop today I bought 15 bobbles to tie up my hair. But my right hand wont reach behind my neck so I have to ask a MOS to help me put them on. (I can't do this!!!)

Paul AND Toby

So Paul came round s'morning, did some clearing up and some boring paperwork then we went off to Toby's new house. First call wasn't us, we tried again and found Toby in his new house. It was most unsettling, but we went in and had a cuppa (Which we had brought JIK but we didn't need to). Then we went off to a café place where we hada lunch and pudding. It took hours but that's because we were catching up too. We have arranged for that Toby to come round here on Sunday for dinner then we will take him out one day next week too
That's all I have been able to think about - it is such a big event in my life, he was my baby and he has been missing for over a year

Tuesday 16 August 2011


Then I had another haircut, fu*k this waiting for it to be evenly long.

Cool Day

And then that Freya came round and didn't tell me off too much, she was focussed on the PC again but eventually would come outside and see me

Quiet Morning

So there is nowt on s'morning, Sarah the OT is off on holiday ATM, there is nowt happening until Freya comes in to see me later


And we had to change the Ink Cartridge on my printer last night. Apparently there is a special recycling tip for ink cartridges at the Supermarket so I will take it there later

Monday 15 August 2011


And that Paul gave me a lift to a Folk Concert tonight which I approve of


So back to normal with Ed today, I had to say "No, you weren't here when we rearranged my shopping, Waverley Stores on Monday". Then later when we were driving about we went into CK's Supermarket in Llandeilo, just to broaden my experience

Sunday 14 August 2011


And today I took a pic of Dandelion's growing from the same batch of seed that's just blown overhead

A Lie In

I stayed in bed s'morning until after 9 o'clock

Saturday 13 August 2011


And I managed to get myself added to the list of take away deliverers for the chinese tonight. I remember eating Chinese before my accident but can't find the 'remembering what I ate' list. So I picked randomly veg chow mien and it was delicious
Then later I thought "What did I have for tea?" Oh yes, I got the ingredients for a pizza, mmmm. No I didn't eat that I mustn't have had my dinner yet. "But I am full"


And this afternoon my son phoned me, he said "Shall I walk up and see you?" and he did, from his new place in Carmarthen. He has moved back

Friday 12 August 2011


And oddly enough I got drunk tonight. For more than a week I have possessed the goods but haven't got drunk!!


So this evening we tried to go swimming but it was much too busy
So drinking on an empty stomach instead

Less full on day

So someone knocked on my door at 9.00 s'morning, I was having a lie in and had to get up to let the meter reader in.

Since then I am relaxing, Paul is taking me to Waverley Stores then swimming this afternoon

Thursday 11 August 2011


Well. So s'morning I was gifted with the first sighting of Ed this week and we went everywhere, from me failing to find where I used to work in Whitland (20 miles away West) etc to the other direction too

Then that Julie and a team came around after Julie had dropped off a phone charger for Toby then went to the dentist. Now needed to be asleep.

Later I phoned Toby and spoke to him, alone in his new home. Laugh AND cry AND shout.
A tentative arrangement has been made for next Wednesday getting together
My Baby
But I am so glad he is showing good signs, learning

Wednesday 10 August 2011

What A Day

Good lord, so this morning that Paul chap came and took me out and about, just to everywhere, and we went into 2 big shops in town that I realise that I will probably never want to go there again.
We stayed out, had lunch, then I was finished with him for 2 days.

Then that Freya came round. She was good tempered and made positive noises about her birthday pressie's. She made very positive noises then about the dinner I made, baked in round bready things, mmm. Then she made extremely positive noises about the cake that I had stuck 5 candles on today
The she was picked up by Sam (who has no driving licence) and Sam's girlfriend who does have one

Tuesday 9 August 2011

What a day

First of all a woman who works for Leo Chesh came, her name was Laura and she asked and wrote down loads about my dealings with the staff.
Then Sarah the OT came round and was productive. We made a.... present for Freya coming round for her birthday tomorrow

Monday 8 August 2011


And I said to a MOS who was just about to get in her car tonight "So, is it OK for me to knip out for 5 minutes and leave the light on. So does the globe warm up faster if I waste products by leaving it on of does it shorten their life more this switching on and off?". She said "You have got those lo energy bulbs, leave it on if you want"

Staying In

And we talked about going to the about 70 minutes in the car away Folk Club and not being able to drink much while we were there

Shh Neil

So twice tonight I have typed a reply to an Ixion post, been about to send it and just suddenly thought "Naaa, shh"

A Little Tum-ish....

So, well what a day. 1st of all it was Paul on duty as someone is away, and he couldn't get here 'til about 1PM, then he took me to Morrison's where we had to but almost nothing. Oh And a bottle of full strength red wine after I was so upset by last weeks. Not that I know when I get round to trying it. So far I haven't had a drink for about 5 days. Why not? Dunno, I was getting a bit bored with getting "drunk" every night for ever and then.... dunno, no big event or owt, I just didn't want one

(More) Tum Ti Tum

So today I am awaiting, Paul is coming here to take me shopping then take me to The Folk Club later :)

Sunday 7 August 2011

Tum Ti flippin' Tum

Really relaxed and rested now

Saturday 6 August 2011


And I was a bit annoyed at not having watched for the last week but I found and reasonably enjoyed Never Mind The Buzzcocks tonight

OK eating

So I looked online to find out how to eat the third Naan Bread that is in the packet within the 24 hours it wants. But it seems like another meal, not a small snack for lunch. So I will have to do what they say not to and freeze it

Dandy Tigers

And dandelions. When they first came I had no idea what they were. Nor for a week after I first discovered what they were, no idea. But now my brain is coming back, I can't put my finger on it but I do remember more, blowing them as a child now &c

Tum ti tum

Saturday, a relaxing day with no excitement involved

Friday 5 August 2011

Sick Of The Sight....

So again Ed was round here s'morning. After a bit we went out to the beach at Pendine which was strange but nice. Then we went off and spent far too much on diesel, the receipt is in a bag waiting. Then we went off to Waverley and got loadsa organic produce etc. They accepted loadsa deliveries while we were there today
And I didn't seem to be behaving quite so manfully today, dunno why, perhaps during our 2 hour shorter session we had summat to do, somewhere to go. Dunno, but it was better today

Thursday 4 August 2011


I am not sure, it was the longest I have been with someone with no tasks pending. I was bored and unfriendly.

"Must try to be happier tomorrow"


No, I tried to talk about Julie and got a bit embarrassed
So then we went out shopping and got poisonous weed killer because they didn't have anything that said 'Organic' on the bottle
And we went out shopping later too....

Wednesday 3 August 2011


And my old friend Julie, who is acting as Toby's guardian unofficially, came round today and we talked a lot.

Up Late

Gosh I am up late tonight, should have been asleep an hour ago.

Tuesday 2 August 2011


So I downloaded a new browser to see if is any better than firefox, Google Chrome it's called. Wait and see


So Sarah the OT was here today and what we did was bake a cake for Freya's birthday. Next week we are gonna ice it &c. It's in the kitchen cooling and looking posh and good, then later I will pop it into the freezer.

But I had to buzz for some assistance later when it came to cleaning the tray we had put the cake on, it was all threads and they were all requiring cleaning but both my hands don't work properly

She brought the ingredients for food with her too but as I need to eat my naan bread tonight I have left them in the fridge for a couple of days

Monday 1 August 2011


Read the struggles of today, one thing after another.

ObAnd at Waverley Stores they had almost nothing that I bumped into last week. Perhaps I need to go there on a Wed. morning or summat. We will go and ask them later


Then Paul came in and took me to Carmarthen's new(ish) cinema where we both watched the last of the Harry Potter series. Good lord, it was hard watching on a bit screen but I kept looking left then right and I thoroughly enjoyed it

My Son

Then after this mornings busyness I was just resting for a bit when my precious son appeared. He is looking for somewhere to rent in Carmarthen for next year and him and Julie had spent all morning looking. Apparently we share dimples


And while I was out shopping my new compost maker arrived. They had told me if it arrived when I was out that they would leave a card with a phone number on, but luckily the driver read my notices and left it at no 1A, the office. It's all filled up, so I no longer have to leave my compost-able rubbish for CCC


And I stayed up late last night as I was almost finished, I finished it in the end, reading IIRC the second big grown up book I have read since my accident Eric, by Terry Pratchett