Wednesday 30 November 2011


And I was brave/mad enough to sing at the folk club tonight and everyone clapped!!!


With Timmy today, first of all he was here, first of all we went to Swansea and bought tickets for our new years day treat. Then when we came back Sarah the OT came and did some more cake making with me. Today we rolled out the Marzipan and coated the cake in it

But I did find it much easier standing up and walking about in he kitchen, it is becoming a new habit

& At 'EM

So today I got up, put on my new boots (and not the large right one until Timmy gets here), had breakfast, did my washing up and was in't loo, ½ way through a poo and my alarm clock went off

Tuesday 29 November 2011

What A Difference

So now that my foot doesn't hurt I am wearing my splint to bedtime. In the morning I will put on my size smaller boot on my right foot 'til someone is here that can fit my bigger one, which I assume will be all day and night again

Not Pink DM's

And we went to Clarke's and had my feet measured etc. They only had one pair of boots that fitted me with my splint on, so at a guess I'd better not buy Pink DM's on the web as they won't be over width like my new boots
And by g*d what a difference, at a guess now I should be walking more and ditching my wheelchair. G*d, it seems scary and intimidating but that's me, scary and intimidating so......


And I was looking on Amazon at Pink DM's boots but they are all womens boots, there are only Converse Boots in pink male so dunno what to do now

And this morning chappy came here and wrapped up Toby's bike in bin bags bubble wrap so now I am awaiting the pick up from TNT

Monday 28 November 2011


So last night I had a lift miles away to the folk club. When we got there it was still full of drunk wedding guests who were s'posed to have gone an hour before and hadn't. Us and another musician left in disgust. The manager was being really stroppy and they wouldn't leave


So Ed came in s'morning, took me shopping first, then came back, did paperwork while I had my lunch, then continued paperwork while I had a nap.

Then he took me to the f***ing dentist who struggled to get a filling in my back tooth, but finished off with a total of 3 fillings. My next appointment is going to be even more expensive as they tackle the temporary filling below it.
And now that the anaesthetic is wearing off it feels like my normal gub, no pain or even discomfort. VBG

Sunday 27 November 2011

Don't Mention It

And I am sh*tting my self as I am going to the very expensive dentist tomorrow


And a MOS brought in her photos (as promised yesterday) of her 5 week stay in her native country South Africa. Just wow, lions and tigers, walking with a Cheetah on a lead. One of the lion cubs growled at her fiance when he stroked it. Just WOW

Healthy, Wealthy, Wise

So last night I went to sleep at normal time, in bed this morning without my alarm clock set and I woke up 10 minutes after my alarm clock goes off normally

Saturday 26 November 2011


And as I was out after lunchtime and going miles away I didn't have time for a nap. So in the car on the way back I said "Nap", turned off the music and shut my eyes for 25 mins.
Well it is now 8 minutes to 12 and I am still awake


And for tea tonight, same as I do most weekends, I had pizza which I made myself from Naan bread. The Naan bread, as usual, came from a packet of two. But most weekends I have pizza and oven chips but tonight (and yesterday) the Naan bread was so big that I ate it alone. Dunno why, I thought I had bought my usual variety bit obviously it was a big sister
And luckily last night I made the pizza before I put the chips on as I realised there was no need

Busy Afternoon

This morning I had no-one with me but I still woke up 5 minutes before my alarm clock would have been set to IYSWIM.

After lunch Claire (She doesn't have pink hair) came round and talked about Freya's second meeting and genarally said she was lovely and has learned this and loves you etc

Then Timmy who had come while Claire was talking took me miles west to Haverford West to Sportsdirect looking for Pink DM boots as recommended by someone on the interweb. But they don't have and DM's let alone pink ones. We had a coffee then looked everywhere else but couldn't find any.

Friday 25 November 2011


Gosh. What a day again. So Paul came round this AM, we did some paperwork and sorted out the Petty Cash etc. Then we went swimming in the swimming pool which wasn't as excellent as last week but it was still OK. We came back here for a bit then went shopping to Waverley Stores where again I spent much too much on food.

Then it was getting to the end of selling Toby's bike on ebay and we suddenly did it

Thursday 24 November 2011

Iechyd Da

And we went down to Club Iechyd Da for their once a month folk night tonight and it was as excellent as ever.

Unfortunately Freya was sick at school today and couldn't come along but I did meet that Ruth there and we exchanged greetings etc

Foot Splint

So today we went to Cardiff and got given my new foot splint. I was under the impression that I would try it on today and go back in a fortnight and get it, but he was so impressed with my walking that I got it today. So it will do with my boots, no pink DM's for now

Wednesday 23 November 2011


So Timmy came round today for a long shift. This morning wee went and did a top up shopping (and he bought a pie for tonight) then later Sarah The OT came in and topped up my cake etc. We peeled off all the paper and I, even I, could smell it. We started a discussion about The Hero's Journey by 2 folk who deal with military brain injury's which is gonna take up some time for us
After dinner we are going out to a Llanelli Folk Club
And we went to t'Folk Club and it was there, Jackie was there too so I tried to behave somewhat but it was difficult
As on the way back we ran over a cat. And we were being followed much to closely by another driver so we couldn't break really hard. "Only a fool breaks the two second rule"

Tuesday 22 November 2011


And I said I wasn't gonna nap today but he told me all sorts of reasons why I should and I believed him and went to bed for just half an hour but it does improve my afternoon and how I react to stuff etc. I am currently trying to convince myself hence writing it up here
Gosh, I am up about an hour and a half later than when I went to bed last night, after a half hour snooze

What a treat

And that Freya came over for tea tonight and it seemed a bit strange in so many ways. First of all F seemed easier to be around for whatever reason tonight. And the pies which we had for dinner seemed really nice, as was pudding etc.


And me and Paul had a meeting with Denyse which was good then a meeting with my social worker and a financial advisor which was as dull as ditchwater. They were repeating what they said to Denyse on't phone last week etc. They had to come here to meet me dunno why but there you are


And on my reading device, my Kindle, I am currently 40% of the way through my first Terry Pratchett novel and just WOW, it is cute and easy etc. It is the first proper big book that I have read in 8½ years...... happy chappy

Monday 21 November 2011


Folky tonight, hooray etc


So s'morning me and Ed went to the supermarket where I hadta buy almost nowt, as I went there on Saturday but I did need some perishables

After my nap we went out and about in town, going to Jenkin's for a mini cheese and onion pasty etc.


But I did nap for half an hour today as we are going out tonight and I wanna stay awake

Sunday 20 November 2011

No Nap-py

And here I am again without a nap today

With Toby

Well that Toby came round and we put his bike on ebay and then made a nice dinner. He had to leave soon after dinner to meet someone but......

Tum ti tum

Oh what fun we have had today. We went out and bought some egg tins for putting them in't oven (MINETR) so tonight fior dinner with Toby I shall have 2 fried eggs baked in the oven instead, I will tell you what they are like
And WOW yes, they were excellent, my egg broke as I put it in and just was lovelier.

Saturday 19 November 2011


So tonight I have not had a nap at all. I am absolutely knackered about half past 10 so I am gonna go to bed soon. Who knows, g'night


So Timmy came in today. Firstly he had to take me out for a couple of hours to leave the space free for Freya to meet up with Denyse my case manager and Claire, a psychobabbler. That went well, apparently, and we went round town looking at stuff etc. Later we went to Halford's and bought a pink tree air freshener for my car. As well I filled in some bumph about my parenting roles which will be added to and discussed next time Claire comes here


And I didn't have a nap today, no time etc, and I am still awake!! (ObAnd playing with text features on Blog-maker, so VBG.)

Friday 18 November 2011

Terry Pratchett

So I am currently reading a Terry Pratchett novel on my Kindle. (How up to date am I?) Today's section involved a witch tatalking about witch duties. EG She has to cut an old woman's toenails. So my "witch" is coming here...... ...

Returned Tool

Then this afternoon Paul picked summat out of the floor on the back of my car, it was a strange tool, sort of like an ex-screw driver that someone had taken a grinder too. So we went back to the Vauxhall Garage who were working on the rear of my car a few days ago and gave it back. The chap said "Huge thanks, that would have cost loads to replace"


Gosh, what a day #27½. So firstly me and Paul went swimming, to the Leisure Centre. And for some reason I felt that it was doing me so much good that I could put up with it. Just WOW, my stretchability has improved more. Since swimming every time I have got out of my car I have just been able to move my right leg out by itself, without needing to grip it in my knee and pull it up over the bits, like such a big improvement.
And WOW too, at the end of my session I simply climbed out of the swimming pool via the ladder. On my second attempt but I haven't managed that for more than 8 years!!!
Then as we had lunch in town at the swimming pool we were in town at a loose end so I went to Morrison's and bought some of next weeks shopping, to make Monday lighter, then I went to Waverley Store's and bought the majority of this weeks shopping, but they had no Mushrooms. So we had to go to that place that got my heart beating, Aardvark Wholefood's, where I used to work. When we got there I parked my wheelchair outside, stood up and walked in, bought some mushrooms and left. What they must think...

Thursday 17 November 2011


So we had nowt to do for the rest of the day. We sat here, discussed my father's christmas pressie etc. What fun we had


And I had been in town this AM buying some stuff, when I got in the car to come back my mobile phone rang. I answered and he said "Hello, this is..... from Carmarthen Leisure Centre, Sam is off sick, so no gym for you today". Sh*t, I don't enjoy it but it is making me better

Wednesday 16 November 2011

More Tim(my)

Then tonight we went miles away to the Queen Victorio Bar in Llanelli where they had an excellent folk night. And I remembered what spirit to drink if they don't have a whiskey mac. ObAnd Jackie was there too which filled my heart with.......


So s'morning Tim(my) came round again, we set off for Carmel to do my taking pictures job but on the way we stopped at Leekes of Cross Hands and had lunch. I thought about yesterday's 2 dinner crisis and decided, on the way there, that I was just going to have summat that I haven't eaten many of out recently, a Cheese Toastie and by gosh it was lovely. From there we went off to Carmel and took some photos. After we came back I had a sleep for ½ an hour

Tuesday 15 November 2011


Then that Freya came round and had her tea and some cheesecake with me


So Tim came along alone this morning and soon had to take me to the Carmarthen Leisure Centre and I had an hour of gym. Including 10 mins on a bike and, for the first time, a hand bike, which I pedalled with my hands not my feet

Monday 14 November 2011

Along The Way

And along the way I had to buy another plain black eyepatch as the patterned ones are making my eye sore. After we bought it we went into Cafe Iechyd Da for a brew and I asked the woman waiting if she could draw. What can I say, I think it's a "YES"

Paul alone

So today I had an extra session with Paul as Ed's away.

He couldn't come to mine until after lunch time, which he did, then we went in and dropped my car off at Ceir Cawdor Cars then we spent the next 3½ hours walking around town, shopping some and having a coffee then they phoned back and it was ready. Then we nipped to shops where thankfully I had bought most yesterday. Then we came back here and I cooked, then we went out to Headway which as usual failed to excite me

Sunday 13 November 2011


So today I had the first unaccompanied session with Tim(my) and I think it went well-ish. He was supposed to be here with Toby but as Toby is away at min. he wasn't. Earlier today we went round Morrison's shop and I bought loadsa stuff to make tomorrows shop quicker. Later we found somewhere else to eat, I don't think I have been there before but it was a very nice feed. And cheesecake afterwards

Saturday 12 November 2011

That Chap

Then seconds after Claire CS(N)GPH left that Toby came round to borrow train fares to Wolverhampton to see that Julie who he was living with for ages as loadsa folk are paying for that, and he agreed to pay it into my bank account when he's there to prevent him spending it when he comes back

No pink hair

Then Claire, the psycho who had seen the kids, came to see me. I feel like crying as she was saying some very positive stuff about the kids and our relationship. She told me about the future, plans, too


So for lunch today I opened the salad that I bought last night and the small packet of potato salad that I bought too. Good lord, it is more than 8 years since I ate potato salad and it is beautiful/delicious

Busy Bathroom

So before lunch I was sitting on the loo. The phone rang and by the time I had picked up my bum-bag and taken it out it had rung off. It said "The call was from Denyse" so I rung her back. While we were talking (and I couldn't wipe my bum as my good hand was busy holding the phone) the door knocked, a MOS to see me. So I had to say to Denyse "Hang on" take the phone away from my mouth and shout "Come back in ten minutes, I'm on't loo"

"Efficiency and progress.....

....are ours once more"

The strange lyric came into my head today. After much puzzling I looked online and it is The Dead Kennedys. So dunno but I like it

(The link is probably not WS)

"Kill, kill, kill the poor"

Friday 11 November 2011


So we had a late start s'morning as "they" had a meeting about me, but before the meeting Paul and Ed came over and took back the cake tin for Sarah (OT). Then they went away to the meeting for the rest of the morning, I didn't see them 'til after lunch. Then they came up and Paul did paperwork while me and Timmy played backgammon. It was the first time I have played in over 8 years and by g*d but it was fun. I lost the first match by one piece and won the second by 13!!!

Then after our games we went to Waitrose Stores and spent far too much on quality food


And "they" went to the Vauxhall garage and picked up my car but it hasn't been properly mended, on Monday someone will leave it in again

Thursday 10 November 2011

No Car

And the car wasn't finished yet, hopefully it will be finished by tomorrow lunchtime when Paul will be able to pick it up


Good lord. So Ed took me to Cardiff to the splint fitters this afternoon. Gosh, so I only had a model made but it feels good already. In a few weeks I need to go back for the first fitting then another couple of weeks and it will be finished.
And I didn't have time for a nap today


And as I was mid-blog this AM and it suddenly said "New, improved, download" and I thought for a bit then did it, and my blog now looks a lot better, some of my issues have been fixed. Still have to add links and bold etc but it is better


So Ed came round at 10 this morning. He phoned Ceir Cawdor Cars in Carmarthen and said "The window winder for the back seat is broken" and they agreed to take it in this afternoon and have a look. So he will drive me to Cardiff (the splint fitter) in his car and hopefully pick up mine when we get back

Wednesday 9 November 2011


And we went out tonight to a new Folk Night (for me) at the Queen Victoria pub in Llanelli. It seemed to start off with 6 folk playing tunes to each other but did brighten up in the end


And today, later, that Sarah the OT person is coming here and we will together make a huge christmas cake. In a few weeks we will marzipan it then ice it the week after.
And it was excellent looking
And today we (well Ed) took it out of it's tin and set it on the box. And it looks even better now


And this morning as I no longer have 100+ Ixion emails to read, I have made a start reading my device. And wow it's excellent, much better for me than a paper book, but how to choose new books?

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Reading Device

Then when we came back here Paul went to ask them at the office and they were able to present me with my new Kindle which does seem way more handleable than a physical book

Busiest Day

Good lord, so s'morning we went out to the Gym where I managed to impress the (beautiful) Gym Lady and we discussed what I need to keep doing in the future, then we went and had a lunch at gym which was way too hot to eat even as it was nearly finished. Mid bite Paul looked at his watch and said "Gosh, that has taken ages at gym come on, hurry up" then we got in my car and headed for Priory Day Hospital where another woman measured me etc then made a new arm splint to be worn at night.

Monday 7 November 2011


We went out to a Folk Club where I got drunk on whiskey macs


Then that Freya came in, it was good. Tomorrow I won't be here so she came today

Shitty Day

Lord. This morning Ed came and got me. First thing we went off to Morrison'ds and did some shopping.

After lunch we went down and got that Toby chap to enable him to use the phone. He phoned chap and basically got f*cked off, he said there were no places available at college for now. So I dunno what Toby will do now, perhaps try A-levels again next year but for now...... dunno

Then we went off to Tesco's to have a look at the Kindle e-readers thing. Dunno, it seemed quite useable so we came back here and I bought one off Amazon to save £50. Dunno, there seem to be e-books everywhere, free ones, cheap ones and upwards. Dunno, see how it goes

Sunday 6 November 2011

Drink a drink

To Lily The Pink.... (noisy)

Earlier tonight I poured myself a drink, perhaps a double whiskey worth. On drinking it I felt obliged to tip my head back and glug it down in one. Later I poured another and the same went. Luckily I show restraint on my pouring, otherwise I would be sick through drink in about four minutes

Paul AND Timmy

Then later in the afternoon Paul AND Timmy showed up, first of all we went to Carmel and showed Timmy where we go so I can take photo's, then we came back here and I fed a hungover chap called Toby. Once I had finished lecturing him we loaded his bike into the back of the car so we could take him home


So a MOS was in here s'morning looking through my cupboards, they went into the bottom LHS cupboard, turned it around and I had to watch as a full, unopened bottle of Sloe Gin fell out of the cupboard and didn't break on the floor below

Hectic Week

Good lord, looking at my calendar for next week I am intimidated. Monday go shopping as normal then put up with Freya having an early visit. Tuesday go to Gym then off to Priory Day Hospital to have my right hand splint made. This is why Freya had to come a day early. Wednesday have a massive session with the OT as we are making a Christmas Cake, then go out in the evening. Thursday go to Cardiff to have my right foot splint cast which hopefully is gonna make such a difference to my walking. Friday wait here by myself as they are all having a meeting

Saturday 5 November 2011

Slow Start

So just b4 lunchtime today Ed came round then 20 minutes later Denyse (my case manager) and Clare, Clare, she has (no) Pink Hair (a psychologist who is attached to me somehow) came round and told me that they would see both the kids in the day. Then me and Ed went out to let them get on and both the kids came and were "talked at"
And according to both kids it was productive. So god knows but...

Friday 4 November 2011


They have started me with a review of what they are talking about, tomorrow

No nap

I didn't have a nap today but sat outside, not speaking to anyone, not reading owt, to rest my brain. Dunno, it wasn't as useful as lying down for half an hour but it did work some

That Toby

When I was out today that Toby came round, apparently. He came back this evening and asked if I could stop his pocket money for a fortnight and lend him £20 to buy a mobile as he is stuck. I said "Promise you won't buy beer etc", he said "Yes, I got to come here in't morning" so I lent it to him and waved goodbye. 40 minutes later he txted me from his new phone

More Shopping

Then we went for an earlyish trip to Waverley Stores and bought loadsa food and veg and coffee and loo roll etc.I found out that they don't sell pitta bread but that can be a treat for monday from Morrisons


Then as we had taken so long at hospital we went for lunch on the way home. At the filling station I bought a C&O pasty, a drink of apple juice and a cuppa coffee.

Bitter tears. Or happiness

So this morning I had to get up extra early to meet Ed and he took me to Singleton Hospital, the Orthoptics Department where they did all kinds of tests to my eyes and basically said that my right eye is much better than it used to be so lets not look at groovy glasses ATM as they might stop it getting even more better by itself.

Thursday 3 November 2011


Gosh, more of this "What a day" stuff

So first of all me and Ed drove to Singleton Hospital in Swansea to check out where I need to go tomorrow, where they are gonna try me out in some special glasses to fix my double vision.

Then at 12 o'clock we went to the swimming pool which I enjoyed as much as ever (1)

Then we went and sat in a carp ark and ate cheese and onion pasties and custard slices

THEN we came back here and got online faffed about loads then eventually I spent far too much on flights from Bristol airport to Glasgow airport to see my sister at Christmas. Ed is coming up with me and flying back later the same day, then flying up again to meet me on the way home

(1) Last night I packed a bag, Ed looked thru it and checked today.When we got to the swimming pool we realised that we hadn't packed a towel. Ho hum, I borrowed Ed's then he got less dried than usual

Wednesday 2 November 2011


And the dental hygienist said to me today "Yes, you are brushing well, how long are u taking?". I said "Dunno" and she advised me to brush for 2 minutes, which as I tried it tonight means brushing for about twice my "normal" brushing technique


Then Sarah the OT came here and was talking about fatigue and brain injury, about how common it is and strategies for dealing with it. And I seem to have most of those strategies in place already


Then we had lunch while waiting for Toby who was due to contact the college, but he didn't come until after the man he was trying to contact had gone out.
Later, after he had left, my phone rang and it was the chap from the college wanting to tell Toby "Good news" so I will have to contact him tomorrow


And while I was at Hygienist someone delivered my new hand-luggage for the plane, a Pink Rucksack


So this morning me and Paul and Timmy went to the hygienist at the dentist and had her clean my teeth big style. She commented on how much better they look than last month when I saw her so obviously I am doing summat right

Tuesday 1 November 2011


Well phew, today's over now

So s'morning I went to the gym and did loadsa exercises, with the woman I was s'posed to see on Thursday as the other one was off sick. But she will be off on Thursday so..... In the course of our exercises I stood up from normal chair without using my hands at all, I just properly stood up

Then later that Freya came in and had a good session mainly chatting with my MOS.

She also met Tim, my new MOS who is having a "being carried" week