Tuesday 30 September 2014


And today I went to Farm Foods and picked up some spuds today. I even carried the basket and walked

Off In A Bit

And in a while we are heading off and meeting Sara in the foyer of the gym and then she is gonna be........ to me while I exercise
And she was 13 minutes late!!! So she looked at me exercising on machines, got me actually on and using one which has been on my key for ages but I couldn't work it, got me on another which I had to get Sam to add to my key, just an exhausting session
And she made another appointment there after she comes back from holiday


So last night I had no Sockings on....

Monday 29 September 2014


So we took ourselves off to the pool s'morning and did my swimming and exercises stuff

Sunday 28 September 2014

Crisis Averted

So we went shopping to Morrison's s'morning and on the way there I explained how dissatisfied I had been with the incompetent person on Customer Service in Tesco's t'other night who had said "No" to me saying "Sweet potato oven chips, please?" So we went back and had another look and in a different place there they were.
So guess what's for dinner tonight?
And while we were in't shop today Alex said "Ah, sweet potato oven chips are here" to attract my attention and a stranger was walking past and said "Sweet potato oven chips? Ooh, I'll try some of those"

Lie In

And I went to bed last night, eventually shut my eyes, and didn't wake until half past nine s'morning

Saturday 27 September 2014


So when I was cooking I looked at my watch, it said 18:49 which for some reason made me think of this (noisy link)

Right Handedness

And I ate my yoghurt with my right hand again this lunchtime.
I am having to relearn muscle memory...

Friday 26 September 2014

Right Wrist

And eating tonight's dinner I was able, for the second time, took hold my knife properly and use it properly. For the first time in 11 years I did it yesterday, today was even better, more difficult to cut dinner and I manged it all
Lets hear it for BoTox

Looking Better

And Alex did my new staff ritual of putting TCP on my back after my bath and even he said that the spots on my back are looking better after a weeks TCPing

Proper Gym

Then s'morning we first of all we to Aardvaark to do my weeks shopping.
Then we pottered over to my first proper gym class for a fortnight, I missed last weeks, I was on my way to Yorkshire. I worked very hard and did everything as requested. I am getting better
Then we had to nip back to Aardvark and buy the one item on my shopping list that both me and Alex (who also read my shopping list) had forgoten

Thursday 25 September 2014

But First

But before all that fun I had to go back to the (swear, swear) gym. We got stuck in, but of the first exercises, the shoulder press, was too difficult and after my first go which was nearly perfect I couldn't do any more and had to go on summat different. But the cycling is easier every time I try it, and I did more than 4km in my 20 min. stint

Missing Them Already

So we are going to the second last folk night at Iechyd Da (noisy link) in Carmarthen tonight. There is gonna be this months, next months then they are stopping.
(Bitter tears, weeping)
And it was excellent, loads of folk etc. I was talking to the landlady, she said she was pregnant now, and moving to Portugal next year so just wow etc. AND I did some work with my right hand today, which hasn't worked for some years


Not that it was cold last night but, even with my turned down central heating thermostat, I noticed that the bathroom radiator was switched on when I was sat next to it (having my p**h) s'morning

Wednesday 24 September 2014


And I am back to a proper timetable today so I need to go swimming again. This is a whole weeks swimming in 2 days
And oh what fun we had, but we did it, 4 lengths and all my exercises etc

Tuesday 23 September 2014


But today we were able to remove the dressing on the cut on my leg and not put it back on after swimming, it looks completely healed. So after a month of not quite getting better a week of iodine dressings etc and it is better

Quiet Day

And after that we had a quiet day, nowt on


And because we nipped to gym yesterday they had moved the swimming session to today. It was as much fun as it usually was but so was getting dried and dressed after my shower. So now it is on my timetable to go swimming tomorrow too.

Monday 22 September 2014

Busy Shopping

So today we were too busy going to Aardvark and More Reason's To Shop At.... to go to swimming pool (Oh woe is me)  but Timmy, in his wisdom, said "Just gym today, swim tomorrow" so I went to gym and cycled for 25 mins, very far, so I was exhausted afterwards


So we went up to see those Ixion Dudes at AF. Gosh but it took a long time to get there, the motorway was at a standstill, But when we got there it was good to see folks, many og whom commented on how much more mobile I was than last year
Then on the way home we SatNaved into Wolverhampton and saw Julie (my ex bast mate but she moved to England years ago) and that Toby chap who is her neighbour now. We gave Toby a birthday card etc
And when we were out exploring on Sat afternoon suddenly we saw a chap standing by the road flagging us down. We stopped he said "This chap was walking with us when he came over all unhealthy, can u give him a lift back to the hotel?" so we had to go about 10 miles round trip from middle of nowhere to small town.
But on the way there I was waiting 4 hours between saying "Stop, need a piss" which is just so much better than every 15 minutes like it was 3 or 4 years ago

Thursday 18 September 2014

Sh*tting Myself

So in a couple of hours we are heading off to Yorkshire to see those Ixion dudes......


So Sara came down to see me today. She was discussing my FES and my walking stick and then as it was getting late we simply went for a walk up the street, but today (as we had been discussing the pros and cons) I had no FES fitted. It was different

My Mobile Phone

So I have just recently received a call on my mobile and that confirmed my theory. If I pick my phone up in my left hand and try to press the "answer" button with my thumb it doesn't work. I need to set the phone down and move the key with an index finger, then it works


Then today I found a house for sale locally to me in a town that shares a name with Northern Ireland


Aren't loos incredible. So here I am thinking about how wonderful modern technology is, mobile phones and the Interweb etc but then s'morning I walked into the loo, sat on a device, did an enormous p**h, threw loads of wiping roll after that then simply pressed down on the lever on the corner and suddenly my enormous pile of sh*t has just gone, through a hole on the ground. Incredible

Wednesday 17 September 2014


And he took off the first dressing off my leg s'morning as we are going to the swimming pool in a bit and good laird, the cut on my leg looks so much better, at a guess another 1 or 2 dressings (2 or 4 days) and it should be completely healed.
And when we opened the packets to put the new one on (after swimming today) we found 10 packets of gloves and... etc which are here anyway, my staff gotta wear gloves etc and 10 much smaller packets of dressings and big sticky plasters. So we have 9 packets in the waiting room, can't give them back, don't wanna throw them away so they are now in storage


Then after I wasn't able to relieve myself in the swimming pool, then I spent ages getting clean and dry then just headed straight home. By the time I got there I really needed a pee. So I went there stood up and peed. I did all I was capable of doing a couple of months ago but it carried on as my bladder is recovering. Then I passed my recent max capacity and it was still coming out. That was the biggest pee I have done for a number of years.

He Remembered

And as Alex is on s'morning and he remembered his swimming stuff at a guess we'd better go...
And that was as much fun as usual. As usual the "in the pool" stuff was fine but getting showered and dried was a nightmare


So I finished my breakfast s'morning, stood up and walked, with my 'stick held off the ground in my left hand to the bathroom and went to the loo. I know what to check, my ankle was straight, both feet were moving forward, I/my back was straight, generally I think I was walking well. With no walking stick
And I did it again when AwfulAlex(1) could see me and he agreed, my posture is good and my foot planting is proper
(1) Or should that be AwesomeAlex?

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Right Wrist

And I was walking about today when I noticed my right hand. It was just hanging straight by my side, not bending up, not having to concentrate to keep it straight, it just was, by itself


So because the doctor gave me some dressings for the cut on my leg which have to stay on for 2 days I can't have a bath today. Or in two days time or four etc.
So it is to the bathroom for a wash now.....

Quiet Morning

So we had a quiet morning, the only event was going out (with no wheelchair) and going to the chemist to pick up my prescription of sticky pads to cover the cut on my leg.
S'afternoon we are off to gym, again with no 'chair
Gordon Bennett. I worked really hard and I am bleeding knackered now

Monday 15 September 2014


Then later we nipped out to Tesco to pick up loads of Green & Black's Ice Cream, some sweet spud oven chips and some Timmy food

The Beautiful Toe Fixer

And, I am not worthy, The Beautiful Linda, the toenail chopper is coming to see me this morning...
And after she cut my nails (very well and not painfully) she said "Now we need to come to the most painful bit, pay me" and I said "No, the most painful bit is watching you leave"......

Sunday 14 September 2014


And Timmy has just txted me to tell me that Paul will have to be off work for 10 days because of his ringworm. So it looks like GrumpyGareth will come to AF and call in to see Toby on the way back

Little Shop

Then we did a shop to MoreReasonsToShopAtMorrison's and got some salad, some bread rolls etc etc

Upon Waking

So when I woke up today I had a strange word in my head. So I had breakfast but before I could eat it I had to ask the iPlayer/Interweb. And strangely enough I even spelt it properly

Saturday 13 September 2014


So I am not wearing my FES yet s`morning but just wow my foot is flat when I walk

Friday 12 September 2014

Paul crisis

Then Timmy said to me that Pauls missus and son have got ringworm so dunno if he will be able to come with me to Ixion AF but he did say that someone could take me if he can't

Busy Morning

So we have a busy morning today, doctors for an injection, Aardvark then gym

Well so first thing s'morning we went to the doctors. I took my wheelchair but walked in. So we sat in the waiting room for about three quarters of an hour before a nurse called me and about three minutes later had finished my injection.
So because it wasn't yet midday we nipped to Aardvark where it took me so little time to buy my weeks food that we had time to come home and put it away (including some into the fridge) before nipping out to gym
OK we were 5 minutes late for gym but got stuck in and did it all, including the climb up and down while holding a chair. There wes one lady there who hasn't been there for a couple of months and she did say to me how much better I am getting, which was nice

Thursday 11 September 2014


Then we went to pick Freya up from her school today and we had a pleasant time


Well we went to gym and I struggled onwards. But I noticed that the bicycle travels faster if I am flirting with someone who works there...

He Fixed It

And I said to Timmy that my wheelchair was making a noise, he went into the bedroom and fetched it, when I sat in it and moved he could hear it, he looked closely and said "That nut, holding the wheel on, is just finger tight", tightened it up and it seems silent once more.
It is still a bit noisy at lunchtime(1) but not half as noisy as it was before, there is another enormous nut which he will bring a bigger spanner for on monday....
(1) When I am using it as I am so exhausted after gym...

Wednesday 10 September 2014


Alex has remembered that we are supposed to go swimming on a Wednesday...


So last night and today I don't have my FES fitted but just wow, my right foot is learning how to 'not turn over' all by itself, the FES is teaching it so well etc

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Not Gym

So then Gareth suggested we head off instead of going to gym today. "YES" I shouted and we headed off to Saundersfoot. We parked up at one end of the front, walked the whole way along, there I sat down to have an ice cream then got up and walked all the way back. Gosh but I can walk so much more now if I concentrate

Monday 8 September 2014

Different Dinner

So we are gonna have my version of Friday Dinner tonight (as we were out last Friday) but as we had loadsa chips when we were out tonight's Friday Food will be Pizza (from Naan bread) and Sweet Potato Oven Chips, a slightly less fattening dinner


So SmallPaul came in s'morning, it was pleasant to see him(17) but against my wishes he had recalled that we go swimming on a Monday, yes, he had kit so we went. It was incredible, even I can realise how much I am getting better but it still is no fun
On the way back then we stopped at the house we have been looking at and Paul sounded positive enough so we better contact the estate agent
Then we popper to More Reasons To Shop At.... and got some Ecover Washing Powder, a birthday card for Toby etc
(17) And when he was away he was looking into buying a laser printing machine


And this morning a MOS is coming in to see if I remember what he looks like as it is so long since I saw him. He has been away abroad on holiday and seeing in some factory to buy summat for his wife's business.....

Sunday 7 September 2014

Right Knee

I stood up from my wheelchair and moved towards the car s'morning. A minute later Gareth said "Whassamadda?" as I was still standing up. I was bending my right knee and frankly being astonished at how much it will bend now, how much better it is.


So I saw 3 of these dying off butterflies yesterday then today there was a Red Admiral in my living room!!

Friday Food

Then today we are having the food that I usually cook after shopping on a Friday but as my folks were here we went out instead so tonight we are gonna have my weekly highlight of Roasted Veg
No sorry, that's usually Saturday food we usually have pizza and chips on Friday, that is tomorrows food


Then after lunch we are heading off to take a first glance at that house I found yesterday then off to that T place to buy some things that I couldn't ask my mother for, sweet potato oven chips and Green & Black's Organic Ice Cream
And the first viewing of the house it looked worth chasing up. A bit small, a bit of work needs doing but really cheap that we can perhaps extend and update it within budget. Wait and see tho....

Bye bye family

So my family came over s'morning, then we all fitted into Betty2 and went off shopping. Then we came back here, had a brew and failed to do the crossword between us then it was time for them to all head off back to the airport to fly to Belfast

Saturday 6 September 2014


And today I was settling onto my bed for my nap when the door blew noisily, bang bang bang, so I got up to shut it tight. I walked, only perhaps 4 or 5 steps to reach it, but the fact that I had no wheelchair or walking stick with me just seems impossible, but it's what I did

Evening Out

Then s'evening we went out to somewhere we hadn't thought of, I asked Alex and he found somewhere I have been before but haven't been for months, as in I had forgotten it existed but I had a rather nice meal, the same as Alex and David ordered!!
So meet the wrinklies tomorrow at Morrisons when it opens (11am) then they have to leave within a couple of hours so dunno what we will do then


So before lunchtime we headed over to National Botanic Gardens where first of all I walked all the way up the hill, without even stopping for a rest. It is 14 years since I have been able to do that but it seems easy now, today, so obviously my progress is incredible.

Friday 5 September 2014

Out For Dinner

So today Freya txted me and said "Meet you at..... at..... a time" so my parents went ahead to Tafarn Tanerdy and when we got there it was a bit delicious and about half the menu was vegetarian so me and Freya were happy. But we both ordered the same thing, and both finished it, veggie lasagne.
And we got there, I stood up and walked from the car indoors and sat in a proper seat until we had finished


Then after an hour we met them at Gym and went into my weekly class. Gosh they were amazed at how much I can do now. Sam told me to do the getting down and back up from the floor which I did and I think it really impressed my mother
So now they have gone off somewhere and I am gonna bath and nap then pick up Freya and go out for a meal


Then s'morning me and Gareth headed into Aardvark to do most of the weeks shopping. Outside, waiting, we found my parents and brother, and they were rather impressed as I walked up stairs to fill my basket, left, right, left, right I did which I couldn't manage last time I saw them

Thursday 4 September 2014


Then later my parents and my big brother arrived. It was nice, we had a chat then went to the hotel where they are staying and had a meal


So then Sara the Physio came round and said "Shall we go out?", I said no and explained what I wanted. So she said first exercise your Ham Strings so bendy bendy leg etc. Which was dull but it seems to be improving me so I shouldn't complain too loudly. But then she said "Where are your ankle weights?" Alex fetched them and promptly I was able to walk from one end of the room to another with no walking stick!! I feel it is just incredible, it is 13 years since I was able to do that, it is just a GETTING BETTER stage that I had no vision of ever being able to do, ever.


And as Denyse wasn't coming s'morning that meant there was less pressure on time so we went to Gym and did 3 loads exercises and 20 minutes on the bike, came back here and had an early lunch and then waiting for Sara Physio to come. She did phone me s'morning and said "Shall we go to The Botanic Gardens and practice walking?" but I had to say "No, that's Saturdays option" so.....

Bitter Tears

And Denyse has just emailed me to say that she won't be able to Skype me later so she will txt me when she is available. I am trying not to cry too loudly because one knows that whatever gets in her way will probably be really important to one of her other clients so.....

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Long(est) Walk

So this afternoon me and Alex headed into town to try "going for a walk". We parked in Wilko and headed down Merlin's Walk towards town. Alex was pushing my 'chair as last time I sat down and rested once or twice along the way. But this time I walked the whole length of Merlin's Walk, across the road and along about 3 shops to Cafe Nero where I walked in, Alex folded my 'chair up and put it in the corner, and I sat in a proper seat at a proper table and had a brew. Then I walked back out and started off back to the car, again Alex had to push my empty chair. The whole way back to the car, it was the first time I have managed to do that whole trip on my own two feet


Woe is me, so when Alex was coming into work with me today he got half way here and remembered "Oh no, I've forgotten my swimming trunx and towel".
And as he is too tight fisted to stop at Spar and buy some more......
So do you think I should tell him to go to gym instead? But as he reads this he might realise soon....

Interweb Crisis

So s'morning I thought I would update my BLOG while eating my breakfast, but the iPad(1) was refusing to connect to the Interweb. So I restarted it and it still wouldn't work. So I left it in discust and went into the living room and sat at my PC. And the Interweb wasn't working here either. Then I heard some loud swearing coming from the office as Gareth had typed loads of report and pressed send, it had gone from their PC but no Interweb so it had disappeared. So I walked into the hall and pressed the "Reset" button on the bottom of the router and it all seems to work again. Eventually
(1) But I woke up s'morning, got dressed, walked towards the kitchen for breakfast but on the way there I nipped into the living room to unplug my iPad from charging and take it back into the kitchen to use it. So obviously certain aspects of my memory are improving. Just certain aspects as I couldn't remember why I had typed this "(1)" into my blog..... so I deleted it and half an hour later recalled  and came back to put it right

Tuesday 2 September 2014


Then after lunch we nipped to't gym for a session. I did 3 exercises then got stuck into my 20 minute session on the bike. As someone had been negative about how much harder it is to cycle again after stops (as some chemical builds up in the stopped muscle)  I tried going a bit slower but keeping it up today. I only had one stop for breath in my whole cycle session

Petty Cash Shopping

So s'morning we went to the shop that used to be called Wilkinson's but it is now just known as Wilko according to all their publicity. There we bought some loo cleaner etc so we can show my parents what a good supply we have

Monday 1 September 2014


And after such a hectic day I haven't had time to go to gym, nearly crying

Tooth Out

And after such a hectic day I have to go back to the Dentist to have my tooth out, the one that she did so much work on a few days ago
Just wow, when she looked at my tooth she said “It's your bit that broke, not mine, I can fix that“ and proceeded to fix my tooth, not take it out
So I now have an invisible tooth, there are some roots that were mine but all the rest has been built up by a very groovy dentist. All, built up

Dr Phoned Me

Then we waited for ages for the doctor to phone me about my jab, waited until lunchtime, he phoned, I was just in by the fridge when I said "Hello" but the mobile signal there is rubbish and the call cut off. He left me a message to say "Returning your call" so I had to try and phone back. After 18 calls we actually spoke, I said "Can I change my Testosterone to a 3 monthly jab", he said "Dunno, I will look into it" and that was that. So on the 19th when I go for my next jab I will be able to see if he has found some of the 3 monthly stuff that I was told about by someone else.


And despite it being well busy today I had time to practice writing links on the txt in Webpages that I had been struggling to recall as they have changed the technique in my chosen editor

He Fixed It

So first of all the wheelchair fixer chap came and replaced the bit on the back and 2 castors

Hectic Day

And I have got loadsa tasks to do today, loads, but no one has arrived yet